jarvi / Member

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jarvi Blog


Wow, we had a kickass time at gameriot. Sick - I came reeeeal close to qualifying for Halo2, but mostly, I hada great time with some new friends playing battlefield two. we had some intese battles, and me and my teammates fought Like All Hell.

Good games, guys. Good Games.

Here we are-the princes of the universe.


In this continuing best buy saga, I have to sadly report that it has taken a turn for hell. When I came in, my boss asked me if I wanted to work after the orientation was over. I said sure, because I was hired into the game department, and I could definatley stay till 9 30 selling video games.

So about 3 hours worth of movies and filling out forms, and then it was time for me to work. I worked up a schedule for the week with the schedule guy, and everything seemed smooth. I was working 25 hours this week. 3 days! 25 hours! yesh! I could talk about video games and get paid for it for 25 hours!

or so I thought.

I overhear that I am working in " Merch". I think Merch=Merchandise = sales = the job I was hired for!

Oh, How wrong i was.

Apparently, Merch Is the unloading of (heavy) boxes off of a truck. Then On to a crate. The off the crate. then on to a shelf.

Now, for those of you who do not know me, I am not of the weightlifting variety. i have Boy muscles. I can lift stuff but not without strain to my body. Now this is pure grade See How It Tastes. ( Points if you get the joke)
needles to say, I was pissed. However, my boss was gone. So I just had to do this job I was not hired to do.

Now don't get me wrong- I understand that in a job sometimes you have to do other things. However, this is my job- not a temporary, one-day- thing. When I was hired, I never once heard the word " carry", "Merch", "truck", or F*cking heavy plasma tv. I was told that I was going to be selling games. Otherwise I wouldn't have accepted the job. If they told me " the only position we have open is to load boxes on and off a truck", I would have shook his hand and walked away. The tricked me into doing this.

However, there is hope. Hope in a man named don.

Don is a strong, strong man. He, if given the chance, could probably lift the truck and let all the boxes slide into the (non-air conditioned) warehouse. Our boss, in all her wisdom, is putting him out on the sales floor. Where I want to go! He doesn't want to go. So, tommorow we are all gonna talk to her. Hopefully by this time tommorow, I can let you guys know the outcome.

If It doesn't get resolved, I'll leave.
take this job and shove it

The demo.

Unlike Chinbob, I let the download run all night, and by the morning, it was there. let me just say it is awesome.

The Improved Squad system and commands are a welcome improvement, as are the added kits.


You are an idiot, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

The greatest Purchase.

So I did get that Jorb. And the discount is.... well... lets put it this way.

I am bulding my own custom gaming rig. It costs a bit over 1000 right now. It will cost me roughly 500 after discount. BONG.
Differnet area COOODes


Gmail is in Beta. You only get in by invite. The beta accounts work fine tho- so pretty much you just need to be sent an invite. when I can, I'll send you one,
When I say happy, you say birthday.


check it out.

On slashdot, they have an artic;e that says nerds make better lovers!



Sexual Heeealing


Based on my last entry, you should tell I am sick. I just re-activated my account. I realized why i quit.

there goes 15 dollars.
let the bodies hit the floor.


Picking it up again.

So I have decided to re-try out City of heroes. I loved it when I first got it, and now I am gonna enter the fray again.

so, wish me luck i guess.

For Paragon!
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