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jarvi Blog

And By the way.

hey Chinbob.

You suck.


Traps all day and traps all night! Me love traps with all my might.

It's not you, it's Me.

Just Bought Guild wars. Now, world of warcraft, this may come as a shock to you. But baby, let me explain myself.

I loved you for a good 5 months, but honey, I am tired. We had some good times together, Wow. remember when we took on Vancleef? Or our first SM run? that was fun. but now.... I Met another.

I want to make it right, Sugar pie- so I cancelled my account. It's not that I don't have honor, It's that I don't like Honor Points.
Or paying 15 a month.

Remember the good times, would of warcraft.

The good times.

annie, are you ok?

Take Back Teh Net!

Hey everyone. Looks like mozilla firefox has reached 50 mill downloads- I myself am responsible for 4 of those.

Your welcome.

I am watching old reruns of this cool show Quantum leap- intresting little program for those in the know, for those who don't, let me summarize it for you:

Guy i nthe future wants to go back in time but he f**ks up and instead his spirit is sent back to inhabit other peoples bodies, from various dates and times. . He can not make another leap untill he solves an issue in his current body- he is helped by a Hologram partner from his time, and that partner's computer, linked to "ziggy", who gives them up-to- date consequences of each action. the most recent one that I saw involved him " Leaping" into a new body, and the first question he is asked is " does a man's feet correspond with his " love muscle".

God I love reruns.

Sure enough, my boys over at penny-arcade have been awesome enough to help ( and hinder ) my guild wars/WoW dillema. They saY that GW is an online PSO. However, as Chinbbobabobot can confirm, I LOVED pso. so, once again, i am stuck.


Oh, and btw, I think I found gods caffeine drink- it is a dangerous coctail of 3 parts Bawls, 1 part Buzzwater, and 2 Buzz Mints for every 3 parts bawls. It fizzes liek a Mofo, and since it has buzzwater in it, we have felt neccisary to deam it "Fuzzy Bawls."

teenagers and they dick jokes, huh?

Whats the name of this song? Explosivo!

One More Thing!

Well, two.

Ihave been playing super mario 64 Ds- what an awesome game it is, even if second time around.

and second- Junior Prom is tonite for us in the newington area. I'll be attending- dressed to injure, as usual. I will be bringing a fine young lady twix I have been betrothed to for two years time.

For Those who do not understand kings english: She's "Flippin" (thanks, Censor!) hot, and we have been dating for a while. Umm, Smething about the ghetto.


If there's a rustle in your hedgrove

A Moral Conflict

After receiving World of Warcraft for Christmas, I ( like many other players) have been wholly addicted to it. However, after reaching 60 and back, I have to say one thing....

It may have been overated.

I do not mean to offend blizzard- it is a great game. Very good, a precedent even. But "Best MMO ever" may have been... premature.

Then, Isee Guildwars. Ncsoft, a company with a warm place in my heart ( city of heroes was my first MMO, I am a teenager lay off man lolz), and the lure of no subscription fee certainly makes people ( namely, my poor friends) talk. I have already cancelled my WOW subscription for other reasons, and I have untill the tenth to decide whether to buy GW or stay on the WOW boat.

Any help?





Be that way.

But you won't get any pudding! How can you have cake if you don't eat your pudding!*


*I am, in fact, another brick the wall. Part II.

Truly A Gripping week.

Well, what has happened, on this, the break of spring? This week has really been odd as far as I can tell- lots of things to kick off with, and so, so little time to convey it to you.

Well, the catholics have a new pope.... Technically, I myself am catholic, but, I say the catholics. so there.Turns out he was in the hitler youth, is a clone of the last pope, and condems "gays and rock music." Next time, choose the black pope guys. Seriously. help a brother out.

I finally got around to purchasing a DS- F**K anyone who speaks badly of it. I have to say, if it can push past some of the gimmicky games that are coming out for it ( No, I don't want to touch you Wario.)

Hitchiker's movie coming out next week. I have heard that this is the "best they could do", in balancing the comedy of the books with a normal movie audience. You Know what? F**k that. No matter what they say, I know me, Lunchboxx and Chinbobbabobot are going to piss ourselves watching that god forsaken whale fall through the sky. Note: if you have yet to read the books, either pick them up now, or kill yourself. You've got two choices.

Robot chicken is awesome, a great new show from Adult swim. No ryhme or reason, just funny.

Also, I picked up a copy of "Silent Bob Speaks", signed by go- err, kevin smith. It is more genius from him, sure to please.

Funny enough, I sent a copy of this to an old enemy of mine. He didn't think it was as funny as I thought it was.


And then they all died.

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