@shingui5 Yeah we do.. kinda.... only when we have a party or have friends over... but my Kinect has been collecting dust since i barely use it, So many great games out there that don't use Kinect, I'm enjoying Borderlands 2 and some other games, Kinect for me at the moment is a after thought really.
@robertcain No, Fable can be a great franchise, but the whole "Kinect" thing should only be for "Family" oriented games. I like my kinect.. but i prefer to use it when friends are over..
@Deadly_Nemesis I wonder if Peter M knew that the Fable Journey would be a huge dissapointment and took off before anybody would get blamed for it's failure?
Um that's cool Reggie, I'm sure children everywhere will love it like they do for the Disney channel, cause they like cute adorable cartoons... but what about us the hardcore gamers? Looks like Nintendo still needs to "Grow up" and cater to all gamers and not "Family" oriented gamers.
Thanks but no thanks Bioware.. We loved your great games in the past.. but recently your games have been .. whats the word I'm looking for? I'll just say it now has a EA seal of approval..
jasongm's comments