The Wii is not dead? Hey I'm in Canada and the Wii is popular with children (my Niece's and nephews like it maybe cause it's a toy?) but for the hardcore player its pretty much dead. only games i can think of is.. um.. Monster Hunter Tri and Golden eye.. and those are older games lol.
@seekerofangels um Nintendo seems to be late with the older ports.. i don't think anyone wants to play mass effect 3 since its been out almost a year and must be really confusing for new gamers.. same with batman and the other ports.. people will want to play newer games. Hope Nintendo makes them discounted prices and not full..
@HiroArka Why so serious? because i bought the Wii a few years ago and there's like maybe 2 games i own Twilight Princess and Monster Hunter Tri.. and i finished those games and they are collecting dust for years now.. Nintendo just fails at keeping customer interests.. especially with their colorful goofy big eyed children games.. Pokemon and Mario to name a few. I grew up in the SNES days, those were Nintendo's best years. Now they lack 3rd party support, and it looks like they will do the same rinse and repeat for this system as they did for the original Wii... Did i mention i can't stand motion control?
Seriously, who in there right minds would buy this thing? It's basically a new coat 360/ps3 with the same garbage ware games people have come to know (and possibly love?) on the Wii? Yeah that's right Nintendo, i can't wait to rush at my local retailers and get that wild and exciting Pilot Wings U (being sarcastic). Personally Nintendo should of waited for the new generation and just focus on hand held games in which they are only good at.
Finally they are making this series interesting again, no more linear game play as they are now going the "Dark Souls" route. It's about time Square Enix, does that mean FF 14 or 15 will now be open world to? *Crosses fingers*
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