[QUOTE="Acemaster27"]Face to face. Apologize and tell her it hurts you to do it but you have to. And tell her that you still want to be friends. Also, after you tell her your intentions to break up, keep talking to her for as long as she want/needs. That way if there are any nagging questions or worries inside of her, she at least has a chance to get them out and let you answer them. Then once you leave her, stay away for a while. The closer you are to her during her grieving period, the tougher it will be for her. Yeah better do it in person and just tell that I'm not looking for relationships at the moment..do it in person, to do otherwise is sort of cowardly (but not that big a deal, really).
just say that you "think we should break up" and, if necessary, provide reasons.
Like all speeches, rehearse and practice. Be nice, if possible.
jbento321's forum posts
To hurt the other person less I guess I should start giving hints and slowly let the other person know...Yeah, the sooner the other person realizes that something is different, then it is easier to come to terms with the break up. The surprise break ups are the lowest of the low especially if you've dated the same person for a while. Also, like I said, impersonal breakups are terrible. Its like you are dumping all the bad feelings on that person while trying to hide behind a wall so you don't have to deal with it yourself. Good luck with it. If I'm interested in someone else and I just don't think me and her go along at all.. I do have to break up with her.. And now she's far away and we just talk online.. So that was why I was asking if it was that bad to break up online...[QUOTE="jbento321"][QUOTE="Darthmatt"]You know there is nothing wrong with breaking up if you feel the relationship is not working out. True, being married is a whole other story than just dating. But, if you get into the habbit of taking the "easy way out", then you'll always end things by hurting the other person's feelings to spare yourself the experience. In my opinion, thats about the lamest thing a person can do.
[QUOTE="jbento321"][QUOTE="rawsavon"]...just be a jackass till they leaverawsavonWell actually I had given some thought of that... It's the best option imo.. They feel like the winner + no guilt for me + sympathy sex from other girls when I tell them the sad sob story of how my gf left me ...we are all ze winnars GENIOUS!
Well good luck with that man ;) hope for the best! Glad you got over her.You know there is nothing wrong with breaking up if you feel the relationship is not working out. True, being married is a whole other story than just dating. But, if you get into the habbit of taking the "easy way out", then you'll always end things by hurting the other person's feelings to spare yourself the experience. In my opinion, thats about the lamest thing a person can do. To hurt the other person less I guess I should start giving hints and slowly let the other person know...[QUOTE="jbento321"][QUOTE="Darthmatt"]She actually sent me a txt saying she wanted to separate. I found out about the divorce from a random messanger delivering a fat envelope full of legal docs. But, all thats in the past now, I got me a date this weekend.
...just be a jackass till they leaverawsavonWell actually I had given some thought of that... It's the best option imo..
Man, you must have gone through a lot thanks to her... Sure dating has nothing to do with that... At least this girl... Been dating for a month..Yes, I suggested many times at work that we should include a special room full of shelves with glasses, vases, and other breakable things. Called the "breaking room". Because thats how I felt for that stretch of time. I can't imagine someone receiving a txt like that and reacting...[QUOTE="jbento321"][QUOTE="Darthmatt"]With a mortgage, two dogs, and feelings I had for her. Um, lets me see? There was this 12 month downward spiral of self destruction...etc. You know, if you are just dating its not on the same level as what I went through. My point is, ending any relationship in an indirect way like this is very tactless.
But your wife telling she wants a divorce by text message is just unbeliavable.. She's a monster.. She actually sent me a txt saying she wanted to separate. I found out about the divorce from a random messanger delivering a fat envelope full of legal docs. But, all thats in the past now, I got me a date this weekend. Well good luck with that man ;) hope for the best! Glad you got over her.[QUOTE="jbento321"][QUOTE="MissLibrarian"] Aw man :( Suckathon. Darthmatt
Was it that bad?With a mortgage, two dogs, and feelings I had for her. Um, lets me see? There was this 12 month downward spiral of self destruction...etc. You know, if you are just dating its not on the same level as what I went through. My point is, ending any relationship in an indirect way like this is very tactless. Man, you must have gone through a lot thanks to her... Sure dating has nothing to do with that... At least this girl... Been dating for a month..[QUOTE="jbento321"][QUOTE="Darthmatt"]
My wife broke up with me via txt message while I was at work. Do NOT us this method.
[QUOTE="Darthmatt"]Aw man :( Suckathon. But your wife telling she wants a divorce by text message is just unbeliavable.. She's a monster..My wife broke up with me via txt message while I was at work. Do NOT us this method.
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