@sadeed @jecomans I'm not sure you quite understand the way language is used in journalism. Generalizations should be taken to mean 100% inclusive, nor are they intended as personal attacks. The anecdote he used was referencing a personal experience to make a general point about gaming, in the context of a currently popular game in the news. He wasn't saying no one actually likes DotA. Hope that clears it up, enjoy your gaming.
@PadyEos It's good that you can hit a new phase in your life and not need to completely give up a great old past-time. For me, life has worked out that I actually have more time to game now that I'm approaching 30, and it's definitely a better me these days.
I guess I'm lucky with gaming in that I live by myself, and am naturally a happy introvert, so I have plenty of time to game. Also, when I'm with people I habitually drink in order to have fun, so really it's my social life that is bad for my well-being.
Having lived with WoW players in the past, and they seemed different in their time allotment to other gamers. Like when I don't play, it's okay, but when they didn't get to play it was like they had missed out, or let someone else down by not being there. Me being me, I don't like MP games, unless it's a bit of local sport or racing occasionally.
If I could get a cheap Vita I definitely use it, but I'd probably just get the free games from the Instant Game Collection. I wouldn't want to be spending $250 plus $40 a game on a handheld.
@SoNin360 @pupi0828 Randomly throwing in a choice at the end is really annoying. If the whole game is choice based, obviously fine, but this isn't your story, it is Joel and Ellie's story.
@Warful @adward22 Someone who hasn't seen the real ending shouldn't be here looking at the alternate ending. That itself is a spoiler because now you know how it won't end. A little common sense might tell people who haven't finished yet not to go searching for articles after it has been released any way.
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