@TheKokopelli The Last of Us is the best contained game I've played, so go do it. But there's a lot to say for the untold hundreds of hours I've lived in Skyrim.
@VampireLord123 Take Two only lost money because of the amount they are outputting to carry over the crunch period for big releases later in the year. B:Infinite itself was profitable, and Take Two are in a safe position.
The Last of Us sold 4 million and both ND and Sony are happy with that achievement. I've got no idea how ND develops for the money they do? Awesome.
No defence for Tomb Raider, they projected badly and spent too much. Though, due to the great reception for that game, I would expect they'll gain an even bigger base for the next game.
@phoenix5352 @johnnybravo29 Being an assassin has certainly taken a back seat in AC3 and AC4. Now even the animus story is thankfully taking a back seat. It's hardly even the same franchise any more.
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