@worlock77 Tomb Raider only just made a profit. The issue is that in any industry, all companies expect their blockbuster products to fund their failures and missteps, whilst also bringing the profits that enable the production of further IP.
@AuronAXE It took me up to until they first released their disappointing sales figures to realise Sleeping Dogs a) wasn't an indie title, and b) had been released.
@TirOrah It does escape belief that no one, not an executive, accountant, or creative director , or lead programmer, anyone, stopped and thought, 'Hey, $100 budget? Are we really going to sell the 6-7 million units we need to make profit on this game?'. Those games should be tent poles for SE. As some one who loved them, the money was well spent as those are beautiful games to play. But someone on the creative/money side should of worked out how to do it for much less.
@metal_core You could explore the reef, with your face? In terms of gameplay the devs showed they could pull off some really fun platforming, so I believe they have the skills to have great tombs next time.
@BelaidKL I'd think it would be more likely as a March 2015 game, same launch time as this game and a full two years development time. Unless it is pushed a few months further back to the US summer holiday window to help sales.
I too would like it sooner though. So here's hoping.
@SavoyPrime I don't get how they ever thought Tomb Raider was going to sell 5-6 million? There just isn't any reason they should think that. I love that game and its so damn pretty, but for themselves they needed to budget $20-30 million less for it.
@anvilone @robchiang1990 @electro57 Based on everything Fincher has done since then, I'd say he would of made it something great. Instead someone decided the film should be a series of chase scenes the humans should of immediately realised they weren't going to win.
@PernicioEnigma I'm certain I heard somewhere from the dev that there is a no-kills trophy, making stealth an totally possible option. Hopefully not like the no-kill-except-bosses) like in Human Revolution.
From the demos it more seems that stealth is going to be the best option, but if you're the kind of player who needs to shoot at things then there are expanded load-out possibilities that will mean you can do it. Whilst some of my favourite series have been watered down to mass cater, nothing I've seen from this gives me that impression. It's early days yet, but my initial impressions were that this could be the strongest game in the series, stealth and otherwise.
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