@JustPlainLucas I think it comes down to us having had the ability to rent and trade games for so long. I'm speculating here, but I would guess when software and games were first developing games became slightly forgotten as part of the medium, in terms of legal protections for developers. As they developed into the sophisticated software they are now they became left in a slightly grey area no one was willing to touch first. Technically speaking you can't deny games are software, but by precedent they've come to be treated in much the same way as films have.
@joshua2415_8887 Yes, there are plenty of categories of items you are not free to resell. In the case of games they fall under software, and software has always been sold to be used under a non-transferable license. Legally, you currently don't have foot to stand on trying to argue your right to trade games.
@Tadgerot No, this article shows that at least one developer agreed with the MS policies. There were clearly more that did, but your leap in logic is a nonsense.
If you want to draw proofs from incomplete evidence, it makes more sense guess that MS had it in their plans from the beginning, based on how and at what time in the announcement cycle these plans, and leaks about them, came to light.
@SereneAndSilent The characters in this game are horrible, whether you like anime of not. They are all bland and one-dimensional, and their motivations within the narrative range from stupid to non-existent. Anime, as a genre, contains many of the most interesting character I've ever known. Loving anime isn't an excuse for defending bad anime.
It may of helped a little, but most of the issues are intentional design elements. More money wouldn't of helped with the bad characters, or with the look of it. I mean, the artwork was lovely, but the way they used it and the way the camera moved were obviously bad design choices.
@PETERAKO From a long time jRPG lover this game is indeed drivel.
People who defend it for the anime, or because they love jRPGs are being completely illogical. People should attack games like this if they want to defend jRPGs.
Still on the fence about this one. Aiden's story sounds like it could be interesting, but Ubisoft has published a string of games with stories far less impressive than they first appeared.
@tipsyfreelancer @cooolio See, that's why Tom's review was a good review. Do I score it higher? Absolutely. But he described his praise and gripes succinctly enough that I could make my own decisions about the aspects he was describing.
Tipsy is right, there have been a few articles saying that anything less than an 8.5 is a death sentence for a AAA game. But Tipsy, if you buy based only on the score, and not the review content, you'll end up playing a lot a same-same crap, and you'll miss out on some amazing games. Trust your own opinions more.
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