@CaptWaffle: Trine 2 is awesome, but I would suggest not getting Trine 3 even if you end up loving it. Isn't failure isn't that unusual for a stealth game. The thing in the beta that was a little annoying was that if the guards find another guards body, they ring a bell and that's an instant failure, too. I discovered this because I was hoping to distract a guard off his patrol by leaving a body where he'd be able to see it, thus breaking his pattern. But, no...
@spectrexr1: In reality few PC games do actually have significant problems. The other aspect that makes the issue seem worse than it is is that your average core PC gamer has high expectations of what their hardware should be able to run, and of some basic functionality a game should have on the PC platform. If you have the perspective of a plug and play console gamer, that might make it seem like all these games don't work on PC, but really they still work a lot better than the frame and resolution locked console versions.
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