@straightcur: In Peter's defense, should he require it, it is a really common mistake to make, not differentiating between feet squared, and square feet.
@xantufrog: I thought so, and I agree they are mostly useless figures for us. I guess unless a major deciding factor for you buying a console is the multiplayer community, then it might be part of the information you need?
@xantufrog: The context in which these predictions were occurring was a presentation to developers about how they might prioritize development, based on the number of sales they may get on various platforms.
@Jasurim: The Uncharted 2 opening was amazing as well. If there was ever a company that I would believe when they make a statement like this, it is Naughty Dog.
@Marky360: Nintendo released financials in February that put sales just past 12 million. The attach rate is 7 games per console, which is their second highest after the Wii. I think it is still just below the attach rate on PS4 and XBO though, XBO having the highest.
EDIT: I'm super surprised that the attach rate for the 3DS (54 million units, 250 million games) is so low? Given that it can play DS games, and also a lot of games from earlier handhelds, I reckon it has one of the best libraries of any console ever.
The last time I played a game so poorly designed I was playing the wreck that is Punch Club. Combat is uninteresting, outside of bosses the general enemy encounter design is bad, the world isn't anything worth noting. After about 8 hours of this bollocks I'm struggling to see what KVO saw in this game? Besides the bosses and visuals, I don't agree with a single word of his praise.
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