@d-man: I think you need to tighten up your use of the phrase, 'weeaboo', because the only thing remotely connecting OP to the Japanese or Japanese culture is his picture, and liking anime is a continent away from what being a weeaboo is.
@franzito: Do you think it unusual that a game designer would take what has come before and add their own spin too it in their own game? I mean, the entire idea of a 'genre' is built upon such a thing.
@externalpower43: It has a binary fail state. You get caught, you fail, you start back at the last check point. So maybe you have an 'inability to fail' insofar as it has no lasting consequences, but it's not as if you aren't punished for bad play.
@txuzai: You'll get sued wherever you are if you break a non-compete. Not an American issue in this case, even if the general litigious habits of the US are ridiculous.
@Zloth2: My understanding of the situation is that Trendy can sue Wildcard for Tort Interference (holding them liable for breaking the non-compete contract in place between Trendy and Stieglitz), and that in such a case Wildcard could not then sue Stieglitz for the loses. Depending on aspects of the situation and relevant laws l have no idea about, they could potentially sue him if they can show that he hid aspects of, or otherwise lied to them about, the non-compete agreement, and that he was aware that he would be breaking it by working with them. It's definitely just cause for dismissal.
It's interesting that several reviews have mentioned that they thought episode four was bad or out of place, yet by user feedback in the forums it has been widely praised.
It's odd, reviewers always seem to dislike episode 4 of episodic games (like, basically all of them going back to Walking Dead season 1) significantly more than consumers do. I wonder why?
@randybumgardner: Or... You could sit a comfortable distance from whatever size and resolution monitor (just one of them if you want?) you choose in whatever size room you have and play cheaper games on PC. Not sure why the only option for PC gaming in your household appears to be having your face glued to three 4K flatscreens in the understair cupboard, but most of us PC users are a bit less absurdist than that.
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