@bobafetthatesu: It is such a shame that in Blizzards long history they are yet to realize that if only they had prioritized single-player campaigns people would have actually played their games. Instead, their properties lie forgotten and obsolete, along with other such MP-centric failures as CS, Dota, TF, LFD, etc. See, it's something Activision were smart enough to realize years ago; that people only play thousands of hours of CoD, year on year, because of the awesome campaigns.
They should put out consoles that are upgradeable (with proprietary slots to keep it QA'd and compatible, and console easy) and release power upgrades about every two years, and then they can mimic the console life-cycle by allowing devs to stop supporting a platform version after three cycles (6 years). You'd lose the marketing fun (and consequent sales) of launching a big new generation, but at least we wouldn't have to sit on old tech for so long.
@reduc_ab_: All you're looking at is a single more powerful unit and a single less powerful one. Just like on PC, you can scale the game to play a 4K if you have a powerful card or at 1080p if you don't. You don't make exclusives for resolutions.
@Ateas: I'm sure owners of the current console will still get their 1080p/30fps games. However, everyone buys every piece of tech ever knowing it will be surpassed and outdated eventually.
What they should do is make a PS4 that can run the current batch of 1080p/30fps games at 1080p/60fps. I'd buy that. Or give an option to drop the resolution a bit, that would work, too.
@fig56: Yes; then it would be fat-shaming or, 'humiliating' them or something. Like my main man Altair once said, 'Nothing is good enough, everything is sexist.'
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