There are already many games that are more than simple entertainment or escapism. I think there almost always has been, and I think there are now more than ever being made. I think that is brilliant, because I often want more than simple entertainment or escapism. But sometimes escapism is the ticket, or mindless entertainment is what I'm after, and I can get plenty of that from the current gaming market as well. Games should be allowed to be all things, so that all people can find a game they want to play at any given time. We have that to a great degree already.
It seems to be a thing with a number of developers, both from the indie and AAA spaces, that they think that games offer nothing beyond mindless distraction, and that they are out there forging the way for 'meaningful experiences'. Maybe they should poke their head up and see what is already being released.
@mattklanks: Do they? You're the only one who has replied to my comment. Most people seem mature enough to see a negative opinion and deal with it. Something you are sadly unable to do.
Seven years and this is the best Bethesda could come up with... Decent game, but as an RPG, and as a shooter (which is seems to prefer being) it is sorely lacking.
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