@SkytheWiz1: Yeah. Just did I quick Google of some of the financial news regarding King, and a report from early last year was talking about a possible valuation of about $10B, so they seem to have lost something. But CC had revenues of $1.5B last year (not sure about any of their other games?), so $6B seems very reasonable based on that. And Activision are very good at making money.
@berserker66666: The Xbox One isn't selling that well compared to the PS4. Last time there was a good estimate it was 15m to Sony's 25m. That still makes it one of the faster selling consoles. It really isn't doing terribly. But I agree, I don't think they will be sharing numbers for a while. Sony's done well though. They stole the moment with core gamers with the XBO launch bullshit, and they've used their sales numbers to steal the FPShooter titans from Xbox, which was the bulk of their crown last gen. Personally, that works for me because it seems to have forced a shift towards PC gaming with Microsoft, and that is my primary platform (also been a day one PS owner since the first one).
@7tizz: Me neither, but some people have some really stupid or embarrassingly childish names. There are probably plenty of other reasons you might want to change your ID, like if you use parts of your real name in it, then get married or divorced and change it.
@putaspongeon: Throw in games like The Tomorrow Children, Shu, Pavilion. I got my eye on maybe a dozen smaller (not from their major first-parties, I mean) titles that we need some updates on. Also, what are Sucker Punch and Bend doing?
Sony has a whole stack of games, such as The Tomorrow Children, that it hasn't talked about in a while. I could probably list about a dozen small to medium sized games that aren't coming from their big first-parties. I don't need flashy reels, just a quick note to let us know what is happening with them - especially seeing as some still say they're coming out this year.
Also, what are Sucker Punch doing? And what is the project Sony Bend have been working on for all this time?
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