@andrew_ribbons Raging because they didn't give MCC the 10/10 you gave it? That's a bit sad. Also, you do realize Feedbackula was about making fun of people like you?
@chasecarnevale Around the web everyone saying positive things about it are saying, forgive or ignore the gameplay, because the story and characters are lovely. I can forgive okay gameplay for a great story, but not bad gameplay, which by so many peoples avoidance of the issue, this game clearly has. Good on GS for actually notifying gamers to the problems with gameplay here.
@atlassys8 Did you read the Eurogamer review? He gave it a 10 because it made him feel introspective about his complacency towards his own culture. It barely mentions gameplay. That's obviously a valid reaction to a game, but it's hardly helpful to the reader.
@Dannystaples14 Not only that it is an opinion, but if you read the text you can compare the biases yourself and the reviewer have and come up with a different score based on them, which is more likely to reflect how much you would personally enjoy the game. Simples.
@t1000_v2 So learn to read the review for yourself. If you don't care for story or character, whack another point on there. Bingo, you've got yourself an 8. The review very succinctly outlines what is wrong and right about the game - including a number of non-story issues that impede on the players ability to go out and have 'mindless fun'. You should be able to easily tell whether or not the game is for you.
@kairobo He didn't sound like that at all; you're just trying to think of excuses for the low score. He named plenty in the text. instead of skipping to the summary actually read - the 3 points are in there.
@VGjunkie87 Look at the forums, look at Youtube. Maybe the patches helped, but at time of writing people running SLI 980's weregetting sub-60 frame rates with frequent dips.
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