Should never throw money on faith like that, which is what season passes are - faith-based purchases. Rather wait to see all the content be released, then evaluate if it's worth my cash. What is concerning is now two season passes have hiked their prices (Dying Light/Fallout4), which could potentially be the start of another annoying trend of 'introductory season pass offers' before the price increases to facilitate a sense of urgency in 'missing out on a deal'.
The DoTA2 model is still the best model - All heroes are free to use from the outset, all real money items are cosemetic. That ensures true balance between players.
Lol at the irony of the users here proving his point with terms like "Sony Pony" or "M$" etc. I thought this corporate fanboy stuff would have died back in the 90s.
@off3nc3: I've played through all of them, while it runs fine, I am also aware of Ubisofts long, long history of misleading consumers by insisting that they take their PC versions seriously and often use inaccurate footage & images to try and sell it. Remember during the release of Watchdogs, Ubi claimed the PC version was the lead platform?. And despite this, it turned out the PC version had all the visual enhancements turned off. So call it healthy scepticism based on past transgressions.
@alightningboldt: It still creates a scenario where a winner of a battle can be determined in part by RNG/Lucky REQ packs to give them an advantage rather than pure skill on the battle like prior games.
@lozandier: That only reinforces my point. The beta builds are behind what they're currently pressing for gold, so any real feedback (outside of a few variable changes or server optimisations) won't be added till after the game release in the form of a patch. Significant changes require weeks/months of work to implement and test.
@pezzott1: Yep, often your fight money progress won't be saved so you have to re-earn it and given that there's no real single player content the server issues pretty much makes or breaks the game.
jedikv's comments