@mammotheu: Which is why Bethesda gets away with the same sort of glitches game after game, I love their titles but seriously a new generation should mean less of this stuff. Personally we shouldn't put up with it.
@Fallenlords69: I understand the various factors that go in to game releases but at the same time, these day one patches are now being utilised as crutches to rush games out rather than do the more pragmatic thing and delaying the release and delivering a complete package. EA (and many, many others) seem to find it easier to ask for forgiveness from the consumer and cry the 'realities of game development' excuses than to confront shareholders with that same line and delay releases.
"There is no interactions on my behalf to get a game to run, I just install/patch and play" - And remember not long ago, the line used to be "Unlike PCs there's no need to install or patch, just plug and play". The most recent Giantbombcast had a good summary about how consoles are basically PCs at this point with all the same quirks that come along with it. As you said, a game is a product; we, as consumers pay money over for in exchange and expectation for the full item advertised.
"I do feel sorry for anybody with a capped download limit or hasn't got easy access to the internet. But that is gaming these days." - So should we just sit and accept it? It's a non-trivial number of people that unfortunately have these limitations. I'm not a fan of this reliance on a single point of failure being in the cloud. If those DDoS outages of PSN/XBL in December 2014 as well as the Drive Club fiasco has shown, is that having complete dependencies on the cloud is a terrible idea.
"And a broken game is a broken game regardless of platform. What we are seeing now though is PC ports outsourced to other companies and them making a right hash of it." - Oh yeah PC is getting marginalised unfortunately with a lot of ports (that's a whole other thing), but that can also be attributed to the 'release now, collect money, patch later' mentality that's becoming prevalent across all platforms.
I'm someone who plays across multiple platforms so this isn't some console/PC thing, it's just coming from someone who doesn't have a good feeling about certain directions in the way gaming releases are going.
@sladakrobot: Well you're comparing them on the face-value of a semi-arbitrary score without taking in to account the 1500 or so words that provide a much clearer picture of the reviewer's reasoning. Each reviewer has their own preferences and bias'. I didn't agree with the conclusions of AC review but at least I could understand why the reviewer in that piece had that opinion. I don't consider a review from one person to be directly comparable to a different reviewer hence I wouldn't draw the conclusion that Syndicate is 'better' or 'more fun' than Halo 5.
@jerjef: Yeah it's not as aggressively unbalanced like say the recently announced Uncharted 4 multiplayer (which is basically pay2win by the sounds of it). I just hope that Warzone games will not be too affected by it, the RNG nature of the cards put me off slightly.
jedikv's comments