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jedimastertahl Blog


Wow, I just checked out the Wings forum here and it was pretty busy! That's funny, back when I first joined, the Wings forum was deader than a door nail (whatever that is). But I didn't really care because I do most of my Wings discussion and game playing at Tom Nevers Field. There's some nice people there, and we don't have any ridiculous rules, just common courtesy. I was just surprised to see it busy here. Also, I noticed 4 games there, but only two of them were pinned to the top. I had a thought of sneaking by with more games in the TC forum by giving the threads a name that doesn't let people know it's actually a game. It doesn't really matter now though, since Purplepaws is creating the new board, which I think will be better anyway. I have more fun in the smaller communities, than in these huge ones anyway.

Today's Blog Challenge Word: Bird

I really love birds and have had a few as pets, but I haven't had much luck with them. Someone gave me a pigeon once, but one of my cats went after him. The same person then gave us two love birds. They were so pretty, bright green and yellow. Nicole named them Lemon and Lime. We had them for a while with no trouble and then one evening, after I had covered their cage for the night, I heard this awful noise from inside. I hurriedly pulled off the cover and found one of them laying there bleeding. Apparently the other one had tried to peck it to death. It died shortly after. I never found out why. I didn't know which was the male and which was the female, so I'm not sure who killed who. And I thought love birds LOVED each other. The remaining bird lived about a year longer, then died also. This time I think it might have been my fault, but I'm not sure. I had bought a dowel to put through the bars of the cage for the bird to perch on, and neglected to take off the sticky UPC symbol. I guess he/she tried to chew it off with it's beak and that's what killed it. Supposedly. So I guess I won't be getting another pet bird any time soon.

Warning: This is a Gripe

Something really irritated me this morning and I just need to vent about it. I belong to a freecycle group. You all probably know what it is already, but just in case you don't, it's a yahoo group where you can offer good usable items that you would like to give away, or ask for something you need. But today there was one in my mailbox where someone was asking for someone to give them a CAR! I couldn't believe someone would have the unmitigated gall to ask for something like a car "in good running condition"! Plus they said they already had one car, but when it breaks down, it is hard for them to get to the auto parts store to buy parts for it! As some of you know, I haven't had a running vehicle in almost 2 years, because the person I have who would ordinarily fix it, seems unable to find what is wrong with it and I can't afford a "real" mechanic! But, I tell you, I don't even like to ask someone for a ride, much less ask them to GIVE me a car! You might as well be one of those people who stand on the street corner with a sign! I know I shouldn't be so irritated about it, but I can't help it!

Forum Murdered

The TC forum seems dead since moved some of the games into a games forum. I haven't seen posts from anyone except us regulars! The semi-regulars seem to have disappeared. I wish had just left it the way it was. I'm not going to copy my blog from today. The word/phrase of the day was pet peeve and I already blogged about that here once before. I don't want to post a re-run.

I'm sort of cheating I guess

I haven't blogged in a long time. Can't think of much to say. So I'm copying and pasting my blog from "My Place" over here. Kinda cheating, but not really I guess. Every day over there someone gives us a word to blog about and this was today's word and what I wrote about it. Appliance Today's word got me thinking.....If I had to give up all my appliances but one, which one would I keep? And after much thinking I have decided. The one appliance I simply could not do without is my refrigerator! How on earth would I keep anything cold if I didn't have it? With an ice chest and ice? How inconvenient would that be? Actually I already know how inconvenient it is because I have done it before. I did it for 28 days in 1998 when we took a road trip! I think I could do without a stove. I mean I could always barbecue or manage to cook some way! I have done without a washing machine before. I didn't like it, but it wasn't impossible. I'm already doing without a dryer because mine decided to retire early! I might shed a few unhappy tears if I had to give up my microwave, but I guess if I had to, I could do it! But, please, please don't take away my refrigerator!

Smiley Faces

Have you noticed the smiley faces next to the names of the people on your friends list? Sometimes, one will be yellow instead of grey. What does this mean? Is it the people who are online at the time? I could go read in the forum and find out, but I thought it would be easier to see if any of you knew the answer first.

Getting "Warm" Already

It's only February 8th and it's already becoming borderline hot here! Right now my computer says it is 83! Not too bad, but not great either. I am really not looking forward to summer. I wish winter could last all year! I know this is boring information, but I also am hoping to raise my percentage. I feel like I have been stuck for quite a while. There are more meaningful things I could say, but I have already blabbed too much of my personal self on another site today that I wished I could take back after I wrote it. I know the Blog Challenge I am participating in there is supposed to help you learn to write meaningful journaling for scrapbook pages, but there are some things I would rather just not think about, remember etc. Of course, it isn't the fault of the person who posts the word of the day for us to blog about. How could she know a word like "flowers" would trigger bad memories for me? Oh well, maybe I should fly somewhere on a plane and hope the airline will lose all this "baggage" I am carrying around! If only it could work that way! I am afraid to fly anyway, so what good would it do?

Link to "My Place"

I posted a link to "My Place" at here on my profile page where it says Website (to the right of this). It replaces the one I had posted there which took people to my home page. "My Place" has a gallery of my layouts and photography, another blog, and some other stuff. If anyone would like to see some of my other LO's or read my other blog, please feel free to go there. Thanks!