First blog:
This will be a very short blog 'cause I have to leave.
I'm going to a prescreening to the new batman movie tonight, I can't wait, that's probably my favorite advantage to working at a movie theater
MGS4 - Best game I've ever played!!! 10/10
YAY I got all the E3 emblems!
Virtually There: E3 2008 The Big Three Conferences
For tuning into GameSpot's E3 2008 live broadcast of all three of the manufacturer press conferences (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) on July 14-15. That's dedication.
Hey Louie, the man is dry. Give him one on the house, OK?
These special viewers caught all three days of GameSpot's live stage show at E3 2008. They braved the good and saw the best to be the straightest shooters around. This emblem is on the house.
Sorry for all the spelling mistakes and shortness but I really have to go, I'll write more later.
Batman was AMAZING!!!, I recommend you go see it right now.
E3 was AWESOME!!!, Can't wait for some of the games.
Now the stuff I forgot about earlier:
Probably none of you have noticed what I'm going to talk about because blog header's are down... AGAIN!
I just finished my 100th anime series/movies/OVAs yesterday!, my goal was previously 100 by the end of 2008, I figured if I got 50 in 07, then it would be the same for 08, but I must've stepped up the amount of stuff I watch seeing as it's half way through the year and I've finished 50 series/movies/OVAs.
I also found an amazing program for all my fellow MAL users, it's called "MAL updater" and it does exactly what it's called, it automatically updates your anime list, and it even has customizable themes, or you can make your own theme, I already did (it's in beta now)
I love it, and I'm sure you will too:D
P.S. I'll comment on your comments from my last blog below:
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