100th BLOG!!
and other than that nothing's new, I'm still watching Lost Universe.
Glitchspot is acting up again, I don't know if you've noticed but all the info in your about me section that was checked to be displayed isn't anymore and you can't change it back, I don't know if I can change the text in the about me section, last time I tried it reset every time, my guess, one of the gamespot coders screwed up in his/her java writing and now instead if sending your options it just resets the form.
The about me section works, so I updated it:D
New About me:
Hello, My name is Jeff, I'm 17, and LOVE anime (obviously:P), I also love computers and technology. I'm good at anything involving computers so if you have a tech problem just ask. I know HTML, BBCode, CSS, BASIC, and Command Lime, I'm currently learning C++. Now onto games. I have a PS3 and PC for gaming, after high school I'm going to go learn Video Game Development and get into the game industry. My favourite Japanese word is sora(sky), don't ask me why. Check out my website(currently closed), Anime List, and AMVs.
I still havn't caught the "5 bug", but if I do get tagged I've been thinking about what I'll say.
TheC0m1ssar just pointed out that he taged me
5 Things about me1. I enjoy Romance animes, not movies or TV, just anime
2. I enjoy Hentai... as Master_M2K said "it's still anime", I actually have 19GB of it filling up my computer
3. I change my banner, avatar, and blog header bimonthly
4. I'm actually very shy and keep my love for anime bottled inside me when I'm not in my room
5. I'm a very fast learner especially with computer programs, I can just look at a program and know the basics of it,some programs are a bit more complicated and take a little more investigating but simple programs are easy.
-Bonus things-
6. I don't like old things, whether it's anime, tv shows, movies, computers, but recently I've been watching older animes.
7. I like architecture, and am fairly good at it too.
8. I cried at the end of FMA(the series not movie)
-One some of you may know-
9. After high school I'm going to study Video Game Development, then become a video game developer, I hope you guys buy my games:P
I'll be nice and not tag anyone.
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