Did this guy have his head in the sand when during Microsoft "Adam Orth"'s DEAL WITH IT and Don Matricks on-stage derpage?
How does a company who's store origin is basically the bane of every gamers existence (we are forced to install it, hate it, and would prefer steam), telling us what we want.
Make fake trailers for games more, give no press passes so anybody can see your game... then sell shitty games purely on the MOVIE IP behind the game... to 10,000,000 Fans disappointment.
@jinzo9988 It didnt boast 8k textures. It had 1k textures, you could manually hack the environment to either 2k textures (+1gb gfx card), or 4k textures (1.5gb graphics card memory)... and in my opinion with this game mod is was the best looking game of its time.
People who dont like this game were born after 1990 and dont understand what makes a good shooter.
It has strong enemy AI, more animation transitions and interactivity than previous games of its time (shoot something in the legs, trip animation then stagger animation then shoot atyou from staggered).
Strong level design, strong graphics, brand new engine.
The only reason people didnt like this game would be they were born in the era of hand holding video games and chose to play it on easy mode. A traditional shooter on easy mode isnt challenging and is probably boring.... why are you playing shooters then.
Talk about burning your bridge on the way out. Please, if there is one thing we need to take away from this its what an ungrateful prick he is to all the people who bought his game. If he comes back in 12 months with a new idea for a game and a weak apology...
@TerminalError Thats not actually correct. Not with video game pre-orders. The primary issue with marketing laws that force companies to honor pricing is that you dont want to mislead people into thinkings its a lower price then jack the price. Thats 'deceptive' and baiting the consumer. THe business might end up with more money as a result of deception.
Imagine there is a brochure sent to your home mailbox, you see a lower price, you visit the store. THese kinds of things force the business to honor the price because even if the consumer just didnt buy it at the bigger price, they were baited into the store to buy stuff at the whim of false marketing. THey might have taken a trip elsewhere had it not been for this.
I think the problem you would have suing them is that:
1) Most people wouldnt have paid down the full price for the pre-order, just a deposit.
2) The product wasnt yet released, it was a pre-order for something down the road.
3) THe consumer did not have to leave their bedroom, and in many cases, the consumer sought out sony to buy it rather than the other way around.
For these reasons, it probably tips the scales away from deceptive conduct in which a business would be forced to honor the price.
Rage was one of the most underrated games of this decade. The art style was phenominal, the shooter mechanics were spot on. Even had like awesome animation transitions that were way ahead of its time. I will never understand why it didnt sell. I'm ASSUMING its because it wasnt nearly as good on console without the manual hack for 4k texture packs.
WE WON. LE TROLLING LE WON!!!!. Honestly, why would you let us win microsoft now we are just going to whine whenever we dont like something until i changes :D
jeremy-'s comments