@calamityo: im assuming you dont game on a high end pc.........especially using as a console player would in a living room from about 8-10 feet.........scorpio specs are future proof......3k upscaled to 4k would be indistingushable from 4k native.....hell 1440p is indistinguishable......on my 65 4k i have to get to basically 4 feet from my tv to notice the difference. even then it can be tricky.......so making 4k mandatory on the scorpio specs could hurt games....period...i think it will be damn close on all games anyway....but setting some arbitrary resolution as the minimum which is past anything 99.9 % of the consumers could not even see a difference in would be dumb....
using a home theatre calculator you need to sit closer than 4ft on a 65" screen to completely notice the difference 4k and 1080p. so the difference from say 2k and 4k would be like 2ft feet or less on a 65" screen..
so again why are you worried about an arbitrary 4k threshold?
example......4k native on gta5 im at about 35-40fps..............all setting max except no aa, and about 3 others turned to high including soft shadows......
1440p all settings maxed upscaled to 4k rock solid 60fps.... with 4 x msaa all settings maxed....
the better experience is with the 1440p
now i have oc 980ti with 4770k oc 4.4.......
scorpio will be faster than this by 30% just guessing....
using dynamic scaling if needed scorpio will be great. anybody worried about whether its 4k native or not is just a pony or just doesnt know any better......
Phil did screw up when saying you dont need a scorpio if you dont have a 4k tv......that was dumb......not correct. Im assuming he was trying to send a message to help the slim sell now, then change the story later when scorpio comes out.
@dexda: they do not pay more for the console equivalent....not even close....its a fraction.....xbox was paying amd like $85 bucks for the amd gpu in xbox one at release when it was retailing at 175......volume buying power....as of may 15 to build the equivalent xbox one you needed to build a $500 pc.....(i read the article last night in fact) i did read if you price shopped every component and timed it right you might get it down to 400$.....but in general just going to newegg and recreating comparable xbox one at the time was $500 plus windows. xbox one in may last year was 349 i believe...hell now its 299 with blue ray and hdr........consoles always cheaper for comparable pc spec. not more.....like 65% the pc cost....so take your $180 rx 480....and cut it by 35% it goes to 117......but lets just say its $150 for the hell of it...now lets say the amd chip in slim is $50....take that out....$299 slim-50 = $249.........now you have the ability to add $300 more into a gpu so set the price point at $549. $300 gpu in a console is the equivalent of a 450$ pc card.....a 450$ amd card next year will be 4k all day.....except ms said its only 6 teraflops....so to me that means scorpio will indeed be reasonably priced and with games being optimized for a console 6 teraflops should be fine and at or near 60fps 4k even if upscaled a bit....witcher is either the most demanding game or poorly optimized.....take your pick...but id say a little of both... i play witcher 3 at 1440p upscaled to 4k on my 980ti at 60 plus fps.....you cant tell the diff from native 4k....
@dexda: it wouldnt be hundreds of dollars. as person below this i expect about $100 if at all. in six months time there will be a graphic card you can buy that will do 4k on high settings for $199....oh wait its here now....its called the rx480.....
it is about 3/4 the speed of my overclocked 980ti and its $199......and i can do 60fps 4k in most games on high settings right now...and consoles are usually more efficient id say about 10-20%...
so really just need about a 30% performance gain in 1.5 years combined price and performance.....literally nothing special has to happen......just time....
not to mention 3k upscaled to 4k is identical looking to 4k....
id rather have a cheaper scorpio outputting 3k upscaled to 4k with 100$ cheaper pricepoint anyday....but they have to worry about ponies and there pixel numbers so i hope they just do 4k natively...
@xboticon: wow there is so much wrong here and i dont own either console anymore. you ever thought it was correct in downplaying ps4 marginal spec advantage....literally after the 1st wave of games they all look completely identical and every stinking graphical comparison video is complained about now as being useless......and they are.
1. ps4 and xbox 1 games look basically identical with very little diff in fps....xbox one in some games dip at time but from like 60 to 54......woopie.
2. the pc comparison is at 1080p not 4k so whats the point....
now there is actually going to be large visual fidelity increase.....its the entire point of scorpio....what the hell man.....
@lostn: i could easily see this sell for 499 and be capable at 4k ish.........they would take maybe a 100-150 loss for a bit, but they probably wont sell 18 million of these in 3 years, my guess is it would be kinda slow selling then rise up when the their costs are more like even or better. think about it slim s now is selling for 299.........add $200 in cost toward the graphic card...and you have 4k graphic card in scorpio......i could be wrong. i just dont see them selling for over 599.....everyone is looking at pricing now for 4k to retail on pc.......and projecting that cost into scorpio, when in reality the chips in consoles usually sell to ms and sony for about 40-60% of retail......amd rx480 is 299 now, likely 199 in year and a half and its dipping its toes into 4k. that card in scorpio would cost ms like $120.....sure not good enough of a chip. but double it the cost and the performance and you have a scorpio box with a capable card that could be easily priced at 499-599......
@misstrist: wow.....wow....wow.....i think you actually get it......you are an oasis....
i really think that is why you heard sony in the press conference spit out multiple times that the ps4 has enough power as is to power vr........i think they might just skip 4.5.....and have vr ride on vr for a bit, even though the resolution wont be good...kind of like 3dplay with nvidia. people really gave up acceptable framerates and resolution for 3d but for only so long. Although i think they were correct initially thinking they had to come strong for vr with 4.5 to get people to buy in otherwise it might be treated by the consumer like 3d and fade away.. they might just delay vr and bring it out with ps5. interesting.
Jerger_GS's comments