@livedreamplay: If anyone is mad that anyone is ever bringing out new technology even at a higher price, they are crazy. humanity has been chasing technology since sticks were were first tied together using vines...its like an ancient egyptian slave being mad a crane was invented.......
@livedreamplay: i laugh when you say people would be pissed about a next gen hardware....especially and likely any ms xbox2 would be bc compatible immediately. if your hardware is still supported who cares......also 20 million people bought ps4 cause it was 1 percent faster than xbox 1....yet those same people will be pissed about ps4.5.........dumb....yet you are probably right. on another note....every golf manufacturer would be out of business if they had to wait 7 years to bring out a new item...or even 1 year
@DawgByte2: so if your worried about missing out. then why dont you get a pc.....i bought my gaming pc 1 year ago and sold my ps4 and havent turned on my xbox1 really since....and by the way. while 4k is nicer and a more immersive experience. it truly is marginal and not necessary. especially if you dont mind playing at 30fps occasionally. if you do. then get a pc. Your missing out if you dont get a pc, your also missing out if the current consoles arent upgraded just so you can say you have the latest hardware.....
i used the ms store for the 1st time time to buy quantum break.. what a pile of garbage......took me an hour to figure out why it wouldnt let me buy it, or anything on the store.......just gives "problem on our end crap". When in reality, i had to clear the store cache, didnt work. Update my billing address, didnt work. update my profile address to match billing address. Worked....dumb....stupid annoying......
so how does this work...i heard if you buy xbox one version you get code for pc.....that would be great i would just trade in my xbox version after i play pc... will that work on this single player game....any luck with doing this?
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