my only question regarding mp games.....and really this is why i dont play them usually. in sp mode you can literally have to get shot 20 times before dying yet in mp it like 2 shots.....die respawn die respawn die respawn......i get a sniper but in my experience and in this game if you dont see the other player first you are dead.....dumb....the better players would still be better more kills, the worse players would at least get some kills and stay alive for a bit if you had a bit more health........just my opinion...
ive had some really good fun playing this game so far....Im definitely not an mp shooter fan, so this was kinda made for me i guess. After putting in 80hrs so far in the Tres de Witcher....i can appreciate a simple fun yet beautiful game. My guess is the depth and variety would be there if some of the dlc was included from the gordon gekko..but i still like it.
@wkadalie: Dude........The game says basically use heroic if your used to fps choosing normal you are purposely sabotaging your own experience. Unless you are new to fps shooters, then you really wouldnt have an opinion worth mentioning anyway. I think halo "normal" should be the heroic setting.....people are just to dumb to read the suggested play setting, then trash the game length. No its not super long. But its a good 10-15 hrs on the correct gameplay setting for your skill.
@playstationzone: it is xbox only. till its right and wrong...ps4 users used to waiting for games i guess....tbo though im backlogged till 2025....
from reading what the continued issues are, "get over it" comes to mind. really the game is great and not broken by any means now.....every game on pc has some issues. has anyone ever read the enormous bug list witcher 3 has incurred. Hell I get they screwed up, but now it seems the complaints are a bit ridiculous. They may never do another pc game again......
@lordossiss: also people that are happy and content with something dont tend to flock to forums. Forums are negative by nature. Thats why facebook is littered with obama attacks. Yet not much in the way of obama support.....Yet he would probably get re-elected again......
@DoucheVader: Metacritic is only at 78% cause one review is way of the seriously look metacritic and any statistical mean you need to chop off the top and bottom scores and see that this is closer to 86%
" Milking ". So for all you saying this term. I dont understand...To me this refers more to bringing out crap sequels. Far cry 3-4 were amazing games. Familiar yes but good to great. Was halo 2 a milking of halo 1....NOOOO. If they put half of the thought and effort into any far cry then i agree. If they transform the key gameplay so much that it is not even recognizable as a far cry game whether good or bad, I agree. But a well made game similar to the other Far Cry games with hopefully good writing and adding and tweaking gameplay elements is exactly what they should be doing. Id rather have a far cry 10 than a watch dogs 1......That being said, maybe they can learn from watchdogs 1 to create a great watchdogs 2 that ill actually finish...
Jerger_GS's comments