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Rate my online purchases part 8:

Recently bought that monitor for $50.

I think it was a very good deal no matter how you slice it. I for one prefer CRT over any other display, and I'll continue to ride out CRT the rest of its lifespan, which will probably end in 1 or 2 years. By that time, I'll probably get a SED monitor and HDTV if they have them at reasonable prices by then. But for now, I think this will due more than fine.

Rate my retail purchases part 3:

1. Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adevntures (GC)
2. Katamari Damacy (PS2)
3. Ratchet and Clank (PS2)
4. Prey Preorder (PC)

That's all for now.

*Goes back to listening to the beatles*

Just stay together this time!

Alright. I've got my replacement 7900 GTX set up and my SLI rig is back up and running. Let's just hope that nothing's wrong with this one, and that I will get no other problems. That's all for now. 

Updates on anything...or maybe not.

Ugh. It looks like nothing special is happening lately. I haven't been really playing anything regularly or have goals anymore. Maybe when summer pulls in and my hardware is all fixed, I'll have something, but for now, I'm just bored and confused....

We may need to RMA....

I diagnosed my whole system, and it comes down to all the graphical problems I have been experiencing are due to my video cards being defective. Newegg is being very nice about this though, and they'll glady replace the cards and even refund them. I guess it's not too bad. And I should have them within 2 weeks I think. 

Or maybe it is...

It looks the problems I had before are starting to pop up again. I don't believe this. Just when it looks like everything is alright, it goes bad again.. *sigh*....

Or maybe it's not too bad....

 It seems as though all my PC problems were caused by some misproperly installed drivers and outdated BIOS. I reinstalled everything, and now it works even better than before. So, everything is fine now, and I know that can't be bad. 

*sigh* Back to square one.... looks as though my gaming PC will be inoperatable for a while. After reinstalling drivers using nobi125's specific directions on how to to see if that was causing some graphical glitches I was experiencing, I stop receiving video input from my cards after windows loads up, but it still works in start-up and in safe mode :?. I'm going to take it somewhere tomorrow, but that leaves quite a large time window, especially for tonight. Ah well. At least I have the Beatles..