jetpower3's forum posts
I've heard all this same stuff before. This is sugarcoated to seem different in a very peculiar way. I'm not impressed.
*Raises hand*
I've killed countless hours at that site.
I thought you said you weren't a terribly big fan.
I would just like to know if there are any really big fans besides me of this site. I myself have been there many times, have spent many hours there and have seen iterally thousands of sites. It is probably the greatest website on teh whole internets in my eyes now.
So, which are you are really into the site, and which of you sort of visit the site, but don't really do a lot there?
I saw a film today, oh boy!
The English army had just won the war.
Whew! McCartney turned up safe and sound back at the hotel we were staying at just when it looked as though we were going to have to call everything off. We asked him where he had been, and he said he didn't know. We took him to the doctor today, and it seems as though he's been getting high with LSD again, which he hasn't done in a long time. Whether this tour triggered something in him or not, I don't know, but we're going to try to help him out. That's all for tonight. I'm quite tired and I want to go to bed. Peace and love. Peace and love. Peace and love.
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