The song in question is Revolution 9. A very unconventional sound collage over 8 minutes long made from many different sounds clips and put together with plenty of editing by the Beatles, who ended up putting it in the White Album (Disc 2, Track 12). This pretty much defined the pinnacle of the Beatles song experimentations, and was virtually unprecedented by anyone. Although the structure of the song was obscure and strange, the meaning of it is even more so. Snippets of dialogue from all sorts of events can be heard in this track, although much is indistinct or neglectible (presumably). Many might not like it because of it not being much of a song, but if you're a Beatles fanatic who just loves their obscureness or the mysteries they played around with, then this track is definately for you. The dedicated one can be found spending iterally hours playing this track both fowards, backwards, slow, and fast to try to catch anything of meaning. It really does have an ocean of depth itself, and shows how far the Beatles have come from their humble, simple love songs.
Anymore info can be found right here:
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