jetpower3's forum posts
[QUOTE="jetpower3"]It's a chat esque service. Are you going to make it tomorrow?[QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"]Can anyone tell me what this "IRC" is all about? Because I never really heard of something like that. KR3W-
I only use xfire, and no, I won't make it. Sorry.
Damn :( We're gonna miss you. Perhaps you can join us next week (assuming we have another tournament)Well, I would come, but I have to work tomorrow, and I don't know about next week, depending on when I work then, but I can definately make it to the Saturday after the next one.
[QUOTE="A_zombie"][QUOTE="jechtshot78"][QUOTE="A_zombie"]:cry: But but bu teh unified Shaders :cry:I'll give you some donations....
:cry: But but bu teh wii mote :cry:
:cry: but but bu teh cell :cry:but but teh hey jude :cry:Â
[QUOTE="jetpower3"]Can anyone tell me what this "IRC" is all about? Because I never really heard of something like that. KR3W-It's a chat esque service. Are you going to make it tomorrow?
I only use xfire, and no, I won't make it. Sorry.
[QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"]I don't want to spoil the party, but I think I should just make a random post in this thread. My PC>all of yours >_>. KR3W-My PC pwns your PC [/thread]
You have an X1900XT and I have 7900 GTX SLI [/your argument]. yeah, true. but I do have a E6600 that completely crushes your AMD :P
Too bad it doesn't push the framerates more than 5-10 FPS. Besides, I'm getting a e6800 soon.
[QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="LOZlink"][QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="LOZlink"]its on a sunday.... :shock: woot that means i could campLOZlink
Only lazy people camp. Why do that when you can preorder?
because my local eb games aint taking themMy Gamestop's starting to next week. Besides, you can have them manually reserve it.
what does that mean?Well, they can manually type up the item you want to preorder on their computers, and then give you a receipt, and when the actual preorders come in, you'll be put at the front of the list.
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