[QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="Cycloptis"] Cycloptis
totalgamerzone.com and systemwars2.com definitely have the best smiley selections, IMO.
Besides the indifferent smileys, those are all crap, especially the ones you made >_>.
[QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="Cycloptis"] Cycloptis
Besides the indifferent smileys, those are all crap, especially the ones you made >_>.
[QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="Kama151"][QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"]I actually teared up a bit when reading that.I come from Nowhere land, and I am known as the walrus to many, and as the eggman to others. I feel down when I see red, and I never quite feel like I'm having a day in the life nor can I let go of yesterday. I specialize in running mystery tours and starting peaceful revolutions all over the world. I often feel the urge to go to an octopus's garden. When the bad boys start messing around, my soul just tells me to let it be. My favorite food are strawberries, which I frequently eat in fields. I live on Penny Lane, and I play in Sgt. Pepper's band. I never say good-bye, just hello. Let me just say I once had a girl once, or rather she once had me. I don't know if she loved me or not, but I did want to hold her hand kind of often. There was something else about her though. So, why don't we stop our guitars from weeping, go back in the U.S.S.R. and come together right now?
Do you even know what I was referencing?
Does it have anything to do with the Beatles?You tell me >_>.
What if you don't happen to listen to the Beatles? <_<
Then you're not a true music fan ^_^.
Lol, I didn't grow up listening to that kind of music, I'm totally an 80's person.Â
Nonsense. The Beatles's music is timeless. You can listen to it for the first time even today and still greatly enjoy them. Their style of rock is unique and can appeal to pretty much anyone.
[QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"]I actually teared up a bit when reading that.I come from Nowhere land, and I am known as the walrus to many, and as the eggman to others. I feel down when I see red, and I never quite feel like I'm having a day in the life nor can I let go of yesterday. I specialize in running mystery tours and starting peaceful revolutions all over the world. I often feel the urge to go to an octopus's garden. When the bad boys start messing around, my soul just tells me to let it be. My favorite food are strawberries, which I frequently eat in fields. I live on Penny Lane, and I play in Sgt. Pepper's band. I never say good-bye, just hello. Let me just say I once had a girl once, or rather she once had me. I don't know if she loved me or not, but I did want to hold her hand kind of often. There was something else about her though. So, why don't we stop our guitars from weeping, go back in the U.S.S.R. and come together right now?
Do you even know what I was referencing?
Does it have anything to do with the Beatles?You tell me >_>.
What if you don't happen to listen to the Beatles? <_<
Then you're not a true music fan ^_^.
Yahoo- rvca823@sbcglobal.net Hotmail- rvca823@hotmail.com Myspace- myspace.com/hurleyguypmb Xfire- RVCA823 Steam- RVCA823 Xbox Live- RVCA823 KR3W-
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! OMG! Get it away from me!
[QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="KR3W-"][QUOTE="jetpower3"]I actually teared up a bit when reading that.I come from Nowhere land, and I am known as the walrus to many, and as the eggman to others. I feel down when I see red, and I never quite feel like I'm having a day in the life nor can I let go of yesterday. I specialize in running mystery tours and starting peaceful revolutions all over the world. I often feel the urge to go to an octopus's garden. When the bad boys start messing around, my soul just tells me to let it be. My favorite food are strawberries, which I frequently eat in fields. I live on Penny Lane, and I play in Sgt. Pepper's band. I never say good-bye, just hello. Let me just say I once had a girl once, or rather she once had me. I don't know if she loved me or not, but I did want to hold her hand kind of often. There was something else about her though. So, why don't we stop our guitars from weeping, go back in the U.S.S.R. and come together right now?
Do you even know what I was referencing?
Does it have anything to do with the Beatles?You tell me >_>.
[QUOTE="-Shinryu-"][QUOTE="BlazeDragon132"][QUOTE="Kama151"][QUOTE="YellowPik"]:o What's this? People that I actually recognize?! I was afraid that there wasn't anyone left from SW when I was on.
Oh yeah, thanks for the invite. I feel special. :oops:
Most of us here got disgusted or bored of it.
*Raises hands* The mods are too strict to really have any fun... Actually ever less since TheRagingGamer and JonathanL resigned as mods there have been a lot of stupid threads and dumb rules that have been stickied and JakeT is hardly on anymore.:o What if there is a "mod draft "?!
LOL, so that's who he is now? IÂ remember getting all angry at him awhile ago (back when I was stupid) for locking a topic of mine, and I kept pming him, expressing all this. He eventually got mad, and threatened to suspend me, and I just stopped, but I still think he remembers.
[QUOTE="jetpower3"]I actually teared up a bit when reading that.I come from Nowhere land, and I am known as the walrus to many, and as the eggman to others. I feel down when I see red, and I never quite feel like I'm having a day in the life nor can I let go of yesterday. I specialize in running mystery tours and starting peaceful revolutions all over the world. I often feel the urge to go to an octopus's garden. When the bad boys start messing around, my soul just tells me to let it be. My favorite food are strawberries, which I frequently eat in fields. I live on Penny Lane, and I play in Sgt. Pepper's band. I never say good-bye, just hello. Let me just say I once had a girl once, or rather she once had me. I don't know if she loved me or not, but I did want to hold her hand kind of often. There was something else about her though. So, why don't we stop our guitars from weeping, go back in the U.S.S.R. and come together right now?
Do you even know what I was referencing?
Is this the porno suicide thread that reached 750 posts? I didn't even know about that until I read lucus's sticky.
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