Well, I've read all of that, and now I'd like to be a part of this. For naming purposes, can you just call him
"-j3tp0w3r3d-", my online name?
As for who he is, here's my description/synopsis:
-j3tp0w3r3d- is a very mysterious person. He is actually the 6th member of PeeEsPee's squad, joining about 2 years prior. His past is almost completely unknown to everyone, and no one can really tell what he wants to accompolish. PeeEsPee has often suspected him of having his own agenda, but since he can't be sure at all and the fact that he's such a valuable member, he simply cannot bring himself to get rid of him. In fact, "valuable" is an understatement for him:
He is easily the most agile and swiftest member of the squad. What he lacks with power, he makes up greatly with this. The way he moves in combat just seems to defy anything the world has ever seen. He moves like a shadow you can never quite see, he jumps and flips and rolls with unnatural accuracy. He is amazingly resistant to physical pain, he never screams or stumbles from it. His only weapons are a pair of mysterious laser guns he calls "G-Forcers" that shoot out blinding green laser beams that blow holes right through living flesh and pretty much any other solid substance. He is merciless, quick, and to the point. He has no visible mental soft points, and if he did have any at all, they are probably just washed away with the rest of his past. He has one, very strange physical weakness, light any brighter than a room with two lightbulbs. It blinds him so badly his fighting abilities are greatly impaired for hours afterwards, unless he is wearing special sunglasses, which he hardly ever takes off. He wears a partial mask over the rest of his face at all times, so nobody has ever really seen his full face. He is the ultimate assassin, and he has taken on many jobs before, and PeeEsPee still believes he continues to do this as a side job. As strange as it might sound, he also has the deepest reverences for PC hardware and The Beatles, of which he frequently references and quotes. He was supposed to go with the rest of his squad on the night of GUFU's jailbreak, but had mysteriouly not shown up. As the rest of the gang make their getaway from the base, he is swiftly making his way to the forest, on his way to join up with them. His very sensitive 6th sense is on fire though. Things might not end up the way they usually are from here on out. Â
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