Don't speculate on something you don't understand. Least of all stocks if you are really that elementary on the subject. That's all I'm going to say.
jetpower3's forum posts
So typical of NATO. I feel like the screw ups are intentional sometimes. Intel could always be improved, but this is not acceptable. What a worthless treaty. Seajack
What are you protesting? The killings or lack thereof of high value individuals who were killed?
I always wonder how Gaddafi keeps narrowly "escaping harm" from airstrikes while "family members" of various degrees are killed instead. It makes me think there's some kind of manufactured propaganda at work here.
Pro tip . There's crazy people in the world . raiden509
Unfortunately, "crazy" people in my experience often can be otherwise normal and intelligent individuals who have been massively misguided. You don't need to look any further than Internet commenters, the 9/11 Truth Movement, or things like this to see that.
Notoriously unforgiving.
What Obama is doing is worse than Vietnam, Iraq, Watergate, Global stock market crash and global housing market collapse, Afghanistan, Korean War Etc?
I think it's hard to rate a Presidency untill a good bit after the term is over but as a European looking in Obama has came in at a very tougth time and is doing the best job he can in horrible circumstances.Also I'l give credit for Nixon were it's due. He opened trade to China which helped facilitate the collapse of the USSR and set up the Enviromental protection agency.
It's quite a fallacy to give any material blame to any one person for the said items in bold. No one seems to throw the blame game about the recupercussions of the dot com bubble bursting, which were also pretty bad.
No, but how a president reacts to these economic events can be criticized.Hard to compare since not all economic busts are created equal and given the fact that market volatility in general seems to be accelerating. Don't forget the U.S. government still has a lawmaking branch.
Either way, I'm betting answers will be skewed towards more recent presidents, as there is that much more information about them and their actions in cirriculation, both good and bad (but mostly bad in this case). Many people here would only know of a lot of the previous presidents through history class and the fewer and less accessible amounts of information on their presidencies as a whole.
Right now it's Carter but once Obamas term or terms end he will be the worst president.
What Obama is doing is worse than Vietnam, Iraq, Watergate, Global stock market crash and global housing market collapse, Afghanistan, Korean War Etc?
I think it's hard to rate a Presidency untill a good bit after the term is over but as a European looking in Obama has came in at a very tougth time and is doing the best job he can in horrible circumstances.
Also I'l give credit for Nixon were it's due. He opened trade to China which helped facilitate the collapse of the USSR and set up the Enviromental protection agency.
It's quite a fallacy to give any material blame to any one person for the said items in bold. No one seems to throw the blame game about the recupercussions of the dot com bubble bursting, which were also pretty bad.
Are these the same teenagers that comment on Yahoo! news and YouTube?
I love how none of the reasons touch on intelligence, having brain power, and / or being intellectually stimulating. It matters to some people and can make a big difference.
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