Sounds like The Onion.
jetpower3's forum posts
I also love how inconsistent his regime is. One day he's declaring a nonexistent ceasefire, the next he's threatening a "long" war as well as death and destruction across the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, and then the next, he's declaring another nonexistent ceasefire...
Better late than never I suppose. Seems like the rebels have gotten hit too hard that I don't think they can recover, even if Gaddafis forces have no more air support.
I thought the wording was interesting:
"...'all necessary measures' to protect civilians from attacks by Moammar Gadhafi's forces."
It sounds like you can find some loopholes in that line of thinking to commence heavy airstrikes against his positions.
"French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said if the resolution was approved, France would support military action against Gadhafi within hours. The U.S. said it was preparing for action." NOOOOOOOOOOOO, not another damn war! >:(DeepSigh
Imagine the oil prices now. At least for the short-term.
That's a really long link.
It's Yahoo's fault.
I don't know how we're going to get out of this one...
We are just passengers riding on a BIG ASS train.
Is that why most of the Half-life titles begin and end on some sort of train? Because we are slowly decaying as we travel through time and space?
I wouldn't call that being obsolete, just being impermanent. Even the entire universe will go the way of some sort of "death" and disintegration sooner or later.
Well, we all know who'd surrender first that's for sure.lonewolf604
No one seems to remember World War I, and they seem to greatly underestimate the sheer carnage and rout that was the 1941 Battle of France. Don't forget that they had substantial British help as well, and even that wasn't enough.
I would say that the war in Afganistan is a war that is genuinely for the sake of the safety of the U.S., since Afganistan harbors terrorists.
I don't know about that. Since we can seem to no longer reach most of the operating region of Al Qaeda in the frontier region of North-West Pakistan, the mission has seemed to morph into one in the nature of struggling tremendously to cement at least an Afghan government that will last when the U.S. and NATO are gone.
Regardless though, it just seems to be a phrase that gets tossed around too much, and I'm always sickened by the fact that the U.S. seems to put a verydisproportionateamount of care towards its military in comparison to the people they are actually fighting in support for.
Sometimes I wish that we just evacuated the civilian population of Afganistan from the areas where the terrorists are located and just nuked the whole region. That should kill them all off.
Sounds like something my father would say :P. Although he doesn't seem to care about any of them and would not hesitate to nuke everyone everywhere in the Middle East.
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