Have you tried updating video drivers or loading a previous save file?
jhalter1's forum posts
HL1, then Halo CE, then probably HL2. I think HL2 is the last time I went, "WOW!"
I have searched the Borderlands forums and I can't seem to find an answer, so maybe someone here can help me out.
Will there be local CO-OP on borderlands 2 for the PC? For example, will I be able to sit on the couch with my brother and blast midgets in the face? Together in perfect face-splitting harmony?
I would like to ignore the console version since I enjoy the PC significantly more. Although, if I have to, I'll buy it on consoles. :(
[QUOTE="HyperWarlock"]The Desktop UI you knew isnt there in its entirety; what you get is a hollow shell of its former self. And to access the control panel or other function s you have to go through Metro, You no longer get the same list of programs that you used to get when you clicked on the Start button (you actually switch to the Metro UI instead). you still have to use Metro to begin with to create shortcuts and to get around , the main purpose of win 8 is Metro, The start menu has everything to access more advanced windows functions, for a typical desktop Win8 with Metro is just bloated and limited. Ive spoken to other people who have been testing Windows 8 for months. A lot of them found it puzzling ,and it's getting worse, not better, with each beta update. Many people that have tried Win8 get confused and lost where to go and how to simple tasks that are no longer easily accessed. Even with desktop mode you still have to jump through hoops to find certain functions and items. Also note that MS is ripping out related legacy code to prevent fixes ( re-enabling) by third party apps.So, to start a new app, you need to step out of your UI, go to the Metro UI, and then back again -- every time. Really slows down the multitasking, which is the central advantage for which Windows was originally designed. . But the fact is it has made the desktop experience slightly worse, and even slightly worse is still very annoying. It's not Windows 7 + metro, it's Windows 7 with parts ripped out so metro could be shoved awkwardly inside. Preferences are now spread across metro and classic control panels. Many files opened from the desktop open in metro apps by default, pulling you into full-screen programs designed for touch. Metro is dumb on PCs with huge monitor real estate. Start menu search is replaced by a metro search that doesn't show all results on the same screen, instead requiring mousing or clicking through the different categories. Metro is not meant for desktops plain and simple, and dont fix whats not broken, the standard desktop interfaced has been around for 17 years it works, your not going to improve the keyboard and mouse UI with an UI made for touch screens for simple usage. The Metro interface is so unnecessarily different that much of what users have come to know about Windows for the past 17 years doesn't apply. And the new interface doesn't help them much in figuring out the new steps they need to take to accomplish old tasks. Take closing programs. Since Windows 95, users have only needed to clicked on the "x" in the upper right hand corner of the window to close it. For those who prefer to use the menu bar, you can usually click on "File" and then "Exit." But with Metro-style apps, you won't find a close-program "x." You won't even find a menu bar. Instead, to close a program you have to move your pointer to the top edge of the screen, click and hold until the app screen becomes a thumbnail and then drag that thumbnail image to the bottom of the screen. And you have to do all this without any clues: There's nothing to "grab" at the top edge of the screen, and the interface gives you no indication of what you should do with the thumbnail once you've grabbed it. Problem is that you have to jump through hoops with Metro just to get a basic desktop UI back in order, but you still have to switch to do simple things like to use the search bar. Windows 8 will not go down to well for IT , and experienced users. Ok Im done with my rantI use Windows 8 daily now. It is a great OS. Those who think it's atrocious are simply afraid of change. The new start menu isn't really a start menu, but a fantastic launch centre. Desktop you all know and love is still there, and everything runs on it. I really don't know what the problem is.
I have not kept up with windows 8 development, so please excuse my incredible ignorance on the subject. I've seen some videos and the UI didn't seem terrible for traditional PC's.
Is it honestly that bad? Is windows 8 really just a giant ass chore? Or are you nit-picking a little? I'm not trying to sound rude I'm just genuinely curious.
[QUOTE="Renevent42"]What works depends on who you ask of course...not saying folks are wrong for liking this sort of thing or anything though. Just to me, I personally thought when I first played a MMO years and years ago that they would be evolving by having bigger more dynamic worlds, more concurrent players, more player influence on the world...stuff like that. Never did I imaging that the MMO market would move towards personal story telling, highly instanced worlds, and less and less world influence and interaction.FelipeInsideGood point, but I think it's harder for devs to make a bigger persistent world where each player has an effect on it. It's easier to make a more static world with linear paths and have lots of people play. Not saying it's better or worse, both systems I like, but I think it depends on timeframes and budgets. Lol damn man, ignorance is bliss I guess. 0/10. I think im gonna stick with that lmao.
^^ That's better. Now that is a good post, backed up with facts and opinions and why you have thoseopinions. See, you CAN do it. Is so much easier to read than just insults towards the company, and gives out lots of important points which leave it open for discussion.
:) I go to sleep happy now :)
PS: I didn't back my opinion up cause I already had beforehand.
Do you know why I rarely take the time to make posts like that? I rarely do because people will give me a condescending response.
"See, you CAN do it."
-Really? You felt that this was an appropriate response to me? In what way is this not condescending?
"I didn't back my opinion up cause I already had beforehand."
- I have spent an absurd amount of time backing up my opinions about SWToR. I'm sure you have, but it's wrong to see a post, post a picture then spend the rest of the thread calling me a troll. I pointed out in my previous post that you and I did the same thing in our posts. The only difference is that mine was full of hate while yours was full of optimism. Why is that? Well, for starters you really like the game, and I hate it with a passion.
I can't stress this next part enough. Stop acting like a butt-hurt child. It's ridiculous to have a knee-jerk reaction while encouraging a better post. Then, once you receive said post, you just choose to treat me like an idiot ("See, you CAN do it."). Do you honestly believe I will spend my time to do that again? It isn't worth my time to spell out my opinions and offer good discussion material when people like you will just harass me anyways.
I'm going to assume from your post count that you really like this forum. That's fine, but do you want to encourage good posts or bad posts? I sincerely hope it's the former. Try to be much nicer when someone gives you a decent post, instead of spending your time flaming people and calling everything that moves a troll. After reading your response I have zero desire to respond to you again, it's just not worth it. I've tried reaching out and having a discussion and you just chose to remain bitter. This is why I have a low post count. I've lurked on these forums for several years and just recently started to post more, but I'm usually met with such inane drivel and rudeness. I spend my time elsewhere (well, a majority of it) and I think you would be wise to encourage better posting if you want these forums to have any semblance of rationality. It starts with you. I cannot stress that enough.
I like most of what he said even if a lot of it is just fluff, but one comment really hurts.
"On the flipside, we are also committed to ensuring you have a great experience with Diablo III without feeling like the auction house is mandatory, which was never our intention."
It's unfortunate that this just isn't true. Well, it is but to a much smaller degree than he believes. I play a barb and I honestly feel like if the Ah didn't exist I would not have been able to move through inferno post act 1.
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"] Did you just disagree with me? TROLL!!!111 :( Welcome to every forum ever now.jhalter1
One thing is to disagree with different opinions and then base YOUR opinions of facts, personal tastes and comparisons. (Normal Poster)
Another is to just use low words to describe something (turd, disgusting, god-awful dev) without backing ANY of it up with facts etc (Troll)
See if you're intelligent enough to see what group you belong to.
Real quick, I'm going to assume you meant to say "...and then base YOUR opinions ON (not of) facts, personal tastes and comparisons." Otherwise I don't entirely understand what you're saying. So for the rest of the post I'm assuming you meant to say the above statement.
This is how you described a troll to me:
"Another is to just use low words to describe something (turd, disgusting, god-awful dev) without backing ANY of it up with facts etc (Troll)"
"See if you're intelligent enough to see what group you belong to."
Let's take a look at these statements:
1. You're saying that only a "troll" would use "low-words" (please elaborate on what you mean by low words), but then go on to call me a troll. I would argue that "troll" is absolutely a "low-word". Of course, I'm assuming this based on the words you used to define what "low-words" are. Again, just for clarification, slinging insults at a person is certainly something a troll would do, right?
2. "See if you're intelligent enough to see what group you belong to." Believe it or not, this is actually what you typed after condescendingly calling me a troll. I know I do not speak for everyone, but it seems as though insulting a a person's intelligence while simultaneously calling them a troll is in fact an act of trolling.
Okay, now that we have gotten that personal attack out of way I think we should look at the main topic of your post.
"One thing is to disagree with different opinions and then base YOUR opinions of facts, personal tastes and comparisons. (Normal Poster)"
According to you a normal poster would be a person that backs up their statements with facts, personal tastes (well those seem pretty similar to opinions, which I gave), and comparisons. I actually agree with this, and I should have stated why I think SWtOR is a flaming pile of poo, and I absolutely will at the end of this post. I would like to address the idea of backing up a statement with a fact.
Let's take a look at one of your earlier posts from this very thread:
It's such a shame. I had so much high hopes for this game but the general consensus is that people don't like it much. I hope it survives, even if it goes F2P. We need to have a non-fantasy MMO out there. The game is good, just doesn't quite totally work as an MMO.FelipeInside
I bolded the important part of your post. You stated that the game is good but offered no facts or comparisons. You did base your opinion on personal tastes (that seems a little redundant, and keep in mind I also did this in my original post). Again, I feel I need to clarify, you stated three requirements of a normal poster, but only managed to meet one of them. That seems odd.
I would like to add, that backing up every opinion with facts and comparisons or personal tastes gets a little old. If everytime I said, "Man I really think TOR sucks" then followed it up with the list of why I feel that way it would just get extremely annoying after 5 or 6 posts.
Now, as promised I will deliver unto you the list of TOR suckage (low-word!).
1. I am not a fan of the PvP at all. I went in expecting it to be enjoyable and it absolutely isn't. I'm not a fan of the CC heavy combat and a lot of the balance issues annoyed me to no end. I played a sith warrior for about two months and everytime I stepped into PvP I would spend half of the fight CC'd (don't get me started on that resolve meter). Also, the ranged classes had a significant advantage in PvP, and that just added to my extreme annoyance.
2. Leveling. Many people really enjoyed the leveling, but IMO it felt a lot like WoW, with voice overs. The voice overs were incredibly nice at first, but eventually (by level 20) I just stopped caring for the mundane dialog and just ended up skipping all of it. I struggled to reach 60 ,and when I finally did I discovered that there wasn't much to do.
3. The game felt incredibly rushed. There were many features that should have been in at launch that were unfortunately missing. The legacy system was non-existent, Illum was worthless, lack of group finder, weak end-game content, a depressingly useless crafting system, the game was unstable at times, and I could spend days listing all of the glitches I encountered, and so many other things I was very displeased with.
4. Server mergers/transfers. So, I played for a good two months and at that time The Deadweight (I think that was the server name) was on life support. At primetime I think mayyybe 20 people were in fleet. I'm sorry, that is absolutely ridiculous. I could see through a lot of the problems, but playing an MMO where finding someone else to do anything took half an hour was a painful experience. I really, really wish they would have implemented server transfers/mergers much sooner.
5. I know this will upset you, but I honestly feel that TOR tried far too hard to mimic WoW. Almost the entire game stunk of WoW. At one point I just realized I could get the same experience, but significantly better. Why would I play TOR when WoW has everything plus some? Almost everything in TOR was better in WoW. Obviously, that is my opinion.
I'm not going to list every minor detail. I went into this game expecting a great experience and I left with a sour taste in my mouth. I understand you really enjoy(ed) the game, and that's fine. Please keep in mind that a lot of people do not feel the same as you do(did? I have no idea). I am one of those. While I can see how my original post would greatly aggravate you enough to post a pretty funny picture, please recognize that I once had HUGE hopes for this game and almost all of them were shattered. I don't think it takes much to understand why my post was full of hate and vitriol. It was not my intent to troll. I was merely spewing my hate for a company I used to love (that's bioware, EA can DIAF) and the the brutal abuse of a franchise I enjoy. I am upset, and I will admit that. I was not trolling, merely expressing my extreme displeasure.
^^ I wasn't trying anything, just stating the truth...FelipeInsideDid you just disagree with me? TROLL!!!111 :( Welcome to every forum ever now.
What exactly do you like about WoW and Minecraft? I think that would help us suggest games.
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