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#1 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

[QUOTE="jhalter1"]Believe it or not, I was REALLY looking forward to this game. I've been playing Halo since 2001. I greatly enjoyed the series, but I cannot stomach the blatantly uninspired game design coming from 343i.Zeviander
Man, fakeboys are the worst...

Man, idiots are the worst. I have an XBL account and I've been using it since 2004 sweetheart. In that time I've played every Halo game. I will gladly PM the name of my account just so you will learn to stop lashing out like a child.

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#2 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts


[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]Lets face it most of the people that are acting like this is the worst thing ever were not going to buy the game anyways. I think Halo is looking great and I am glad that 343 proved me wrong with all my doubts.Advid-Gamer

Believe it or not, I was REALLY looking forward to this game. I've been playing Halo since 2001. I greatly enjoyed the series, but I cannot stomach the blatantly uninspired game design coming from 343i.

You havent even seen enough o make that judgement, stop talking out of your ass noob. Lets keep halo exactly the same, that will be fun, if the old and same was so great people wouldnt even need a new halo, STFU and judge after the release.

I happen to know what I dont like, and I gave my reasons for doubting the game and 343i in this very thread. There is no need to lash out like a confused child and call me a "noob" because I disagree with you. I'm not asking for the same thing over and over, I'm asking for a Halo game, not Cod:Halo.

0/10 sir. It would have been a 2/10, but your awful grammar and inability to act like an adult deducted points.

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#3 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

It will be cheaper than the other models, so this means Lems no longer have an excuse anymore. You guys want a PS3, you know it. Uncharted...LBP....TLOU....all the great PS3 exclusives you guys are missing out on (and believe me you are missing out BIG time). Now you can finally afford one, people only went with 360 this gen because it was all they could afford or their parents could afford.

PS3 is the superior system.


"...people only went with 360 this gen because it was all they could afford or their parents could afford."

I own a gaming PC, Xbox360, AND a Wii. Come on man, stop making stupid assumptions, it just looks bad.

0/10 sir, you can do better. I know you can.

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#4 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

Lets face it most of the people that are acting like this is the worst thing ever were not going to buy the game anyways. I think Halo is looking great and I am glad that 343 proved me wrong with all my doubts.CanYouDiglt

Believe it or not, I was REALLY looking forward to this game. I've been playing Halo since 2001. I greatly enjoyed the series, but I cannot stomach the blatantly uninspired game design coming from 343i.

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#5 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]Lets face it most of the people that are acting like this is the worst thing ever were not going to buy the game anyways. I think Halo is looking great and I am glad that 343 proved me wrong with all my doubts.Plagueless
Exactly. Everyone is going to be skeptical because it has Cod-like elements in it. What people forget, however, is that these elements aren't what makes Cod bad. Its the execution of them. In every Cod game there are always guns that are OP, perks that are OP, and killstreaks that are OP, but the reason Cod has such a bad rep is because these things NEVER GET CHANGED. The Cod devs just wait until the next year to fix problems, while meanwhile adding a dozen new ones every year..... Case in point: Juggernaut was regarded as an incredibly OP perk, so in MW2 they removed it. But, they replaced it with Deathstreaks that were ridiculous. Removing Juggernaut made Stopping Power OP. So they removed it in BO. But, Ghost was added. And it goes on and on and on....... If you ever read the comments of Cod idiots on youtube, you'll find they get so excited when a new cod is released and they're like: "Oh my god they removed Last Stand!!! YEEEESSSS!!!!" Or "OMG NO MORE GHOST CAMPERS THANK YOU TREYARC BO2 FOR LIFEZZ!!!!" 343 won't be like the Cod devs. If something like a perk truly is OP in Halo 4, they'll patch it. They did it for Armor Lock in Reach.

I dislike killstreaks because of how they are earned, and how little skill they take to execute. Have you ever gotten the dogs in Black Ops? They're an absolute joke, and all you literally have to do is camp and hit one button to unleash a wave of death. Killing someone shouldn't be the only thing valued in a FPS game. The guy with the most kills gets the best weapons? Really?

I just don't have any faith in a company that tries so hard to mimic it's competitor. They aren't even trying to hide it at this point. They saw Halo, and decided to add in some CoD. If I want to play CoD I'll play CoD.

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#6 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts


I'm not going to buy this game new. I'm buying it used just to screw 343i. I cannot support something like this, but I will actively mock their poor decision making.


Considering that when you buy it used it's already been sold new, you're not really screwing anyone.............

I guess that depends on your perspective. They now have one less sale, because previously I would have gladly thrown $60 at them, but not anymore. I enjoyed all of the other Halo games precisely because they weren't about tacked on, uninspired game mechanics (or in the later installments, CoD dick rides).They lost my money. I'll catch the game when it's cheap and used. I gain access to their game, but haven't actually given them money. It's either that or I pirate the game. Which I totally would do if I didnt have to void the warranty on my 360.

343i made a mistake and I would rather give my money to Gamestop instead of them. This is the same reason why I didnt purchase the anniversary edition. Halo CE is my favorite FPS of all time, but they decided to take a big steaming dump on it.

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#7 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

I'm not going to buy this game new. I'm buying it used just to screw 343i. I cannot support something like this, but I will actively mock their poor decision making.

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#8 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

Sure. You can take a Honda Civic and make it perform well, but it'll still never be a Mercedes. Jonahirt

Oh boy. You're either painfully ignorant or trolling. I'm going to go with the latter.

0/10 sir. Shameful attempt.

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#9 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts

[QUOTE="MonsieurX"]Would have had the same windows laptop for at least 500$ lessJonahirt
Yes, but I'm tired of Windows. Windows is going downhill, and I feel like just about every PC out there is a cheaply made, mass produced pile of crap. Maybe it's because I just finished reading Steve Jobs' biography and have always been an Apple fanboy at heart, but I just felt a calling to get a Mac. I like the way they look and feel. I use my 360 for 90% of my gaming needs, the only thing I do on PC is WoW and Diablo which both have Mac clients. Also I've read reviews saying that running bootcamp or whatever and booting to Windows still wields pretty decent performance on many PC games, so I'm assuming I could do that and fool around with my Steam library which is mostly older games that I don't play often (Fallout 3, New Vegas, etc, which I have on the 360 anyway). I worked 72 hours this week and felt like I owed myself something premium, and I think when people see a MacBook they always equate it with a high class experience or something. Or at least I always have. So yeah, maybe I just want that shiny white case and Apple logo.... But I have heard that Mac's perform better than equivalent PC's on a lot of functions. For example, rendering a video on this laptop is a slow, laggy and painful process. I'm assuming the MacBook will handle video editing and processing much better, right?

Thank you for the incredible amount of laughter. Man, that was a funny post.

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#10 jhalter1
Member since 2011 • 302 Posts


Watch out we got an internet tough guy here thinking that he is the best because he can beat us 1v1 in CS :roll:


scared? 2v1 $50 USD if I win. $100 to you if I lose.

I very rarely encounter one, but here he is! An elitist loser hell-bent on proving how good he is at video games since acting like an adult has gotten him nowhere in life. General gamers pity you. Just stop man, if you don't agree with these people then just respectfully agree to disagree. that is all. There is no need to have childish outbursts and claims of "skill" in a debate about the merits of certain games. You're clearly butt-hurt, just take a step back and let it go. Geez.