jigga1142's forum posts
the problem is that some ofthese "big guns" might not see the light of day until 2008- even heavenly sword (launch title anyone?) didn't even make its spring release is really dissappointing.. This is really disgusting.. If Sony wants to create the sells they need, more important than any price drop, they need to clean up the PS3's image- everything from the sunday paper to the cartoon network should be showing something related to PS3 to consumers. Why not havea national competition? Sony should find some warehouse, renovate it with ps3's and HDtv'swhere gamers and potential buyers could havecompetitions/net parties,surf the web (on ps3), try demos, watch high def movies.It would be a great place to get those potential buyers off the fence line. It doesn't matter what sony needs to do but with all their coming releases, they need to start making noise abouteverything concerning PS3.finally, the PSN need to lose the freaking trailers. Who watches these things? Why sit threw a45min-1hr download to watch a few minutes of movie, anways?They need to take them off PSNand move them to playstation.com where more people can see them.. Why notadvertisethe playstation home page?They keep making these press conference on what they need to do, why?? who cares thatsony wants to examine nintendo'sbusiness model.. Why make a press release about why nintendo is kicking their @$$when everyone already knows that? I'm starting to wonder ifanyone at sony have ever reallyused the PS3 themselves?
[QUOTE="-cnc-"]NPD Monthly US sales since November 2005
Month | 360 | PS3 | Wii
Nov/2005 | 326,000 | |
Dec/2005 | 281,000 | |
Jan/2006 | 250,000 | |
Feb/2006 | 161,000 | |
Mar/2006 | 192,000 | |Apr/2006 | 295,000 | |May/2006 | 221,000 | |
Jun/2006 | 277,000 | |
Jul/2006 | 207,000 | |
Aug/2006 | 205,000 | |
Sep/2006 | 259,000 | |
Oct/2006 | 218,000 | |Nov/2006 | 511,000 | 197,000 | 476,000
Dec/2006 | 1,100,000 | 491,000 | 604,000
Jan/2007 | 294,000 | 244,000 | 436,000
Feb/2007 | 228,000 | 127,000 | 335,000
Mar/2007 | 199,000 | 130,000 | 259,000
Apr/2007 | 174,000 | 82,000 | 360,000
May/2007 | 155,000 | 82,000 | 338,000
Total | 5,553,000 | 1,352,000 | 2,808,000GundamGuy0
Does anyone have the japanes numbers?
if you haven't been following the news, the DS practically owns Japan right now; followed by the wii beating out the PS3 by a near 6:1 margin.. and 360??? hahaha, it still hugging the baseline there with a mere smattering of units sold..
thanks for the advice.. i'm still having a hard time believing that i can't edit the mii's.. what about firmware updates?? Do i have to download those again??
So, "yes" it's a new system and "no", itisn't?? hahahaha!! well, it still didn't cost me anything but I'm certainly not looking forward to sending it back toNintendo again.. Maybe I'll just have to shut-down Wii-connect24..(i heard a rumor before saying that wiiconnect is primarily why the system over-heats, which in turn cause the artifacts). Having it running constantly strains the system which is quite a surprise when it's supposedly capable of doing this.. Either way, wii is a great system yet, it's hurting for online playability which i'm sure that void will eventually be filled.
My wii would randomly display graphical artifacts on the screeen for which Nintendo repaired by ultimately replacing my console, so, the question, is would I have to download my VC games, 'net' browser and firmware updates all over again? furthermore, what about my game saves (I bowled a f'in 287, almost a perfect game for crying out loud which was one reason why my system didn't get sent back to them sooner for fears of the big N dropping the axe on all the scores and platinum medals i had saved), my litter of "mii"'s walking aimlessly around in some void? Now,, there's one other tidbit that bothers me.. Apon opening the box, there was this card that was bundled with the "new" console stating that the system was "remanufactured".. What does this mean if the serial number on this particular console doesn't match the serial number of my original console? Did it get replaced with another console that wasn't "new" and might succumb to the same problems my orginal did?
it's quite funny to hear that "nintendo seems to never have problems with hardware" when my Wii is currently resting in a box that's quietly enroute to nintendo for repairs- oh wait, my 360 hasn't even crashed yet.. Oh yea, what about PS3?? I woould play it if the 360 wasn't relaunching on the platform- you can keep the 360 hand-me-downs- and please, please, please don't start up with the system updates.. The firmware updates hasn't been getting any faster...rofl
that's rich, so you are going to pay $400 for a year of gaming? You hardcore gamers are so funny.......most people can't or won't buy a X360 every year to keep up with faulty hardware.
I don't think anyone is expecting X360 hardware to last for the rest of our lives but at least 2 years is not asking for the world. Honestly, you can't be seroius though. You're defense is because you play the X360 it's bound to break.......what so if don't want your X360 to break don't play it? How about they fix the issue that is causing it to break? Nintendo seems to never have problems with hardware and PS3 at this point has no real issues. X360, they can't even do live software updates without red ringing hardware to death.
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