@shadow6323: For now. They obviously didn’t want to come out of the gate with transmog packs that beat out everything else in the game on day one. They also have the battle passes and seasons, which start next month and will also have transmogs. It’s headed the way of Fortnite.
Wow, they really stripped down the appearance of items so they could sell transmogs. Legendaries all seem to look like generic items.
As with every Diablo game; after about a year, they will completely change the game and item drops. This looks a lot like Diablo 3’s launch, except a little better. D3 launched very barebones with legendaries being horrible and extremely hard to find. And they were sellable for real money in the in-game auction house. Yeah, you can imagine how quickly that became a cesspool of toxicity. I applaud them for correcting course over time, but they’ll have to do the same with D4. It launched okay, but legendaries (the entire fun of the end game) seem to be mediocre at best. And what’s this about no set gear? Could they seriously not come up with any sets that weren’t too OP or too easy to get?
The game might look good and play good, but it sounds like the end game is trashy.
@davidb50100: I’m not really hyped for Starfield, but it’s clearly a huge passion project that is being made with a lot of love and care. It doesn’t matter if anyone asked for it. They wanted to make it and they’re very passionate about it. They can’t just make Elder Scrolls and Fallout forever.
That’s rough. I honestly didn’t think it would still be that far out. We’re talking 17+ years after Skyrim. That sort of crushes my optimism for TES6 and don’t even get me started on Fallout 5. We won’t be seeing that game until 2035, give or take. What a shame.
@mogan: Yes. It’s been that way since D3 at least. You have to make a new character because each season brings new rewards, new challenges, new achievements, etc. that are based on your level and certain accomplishments and completing quests. Bringing in a character that you already have leveled and beaten the game with, would completely ruin the progression of each new season. Some find it unfortunate, but it’s really not that bad and there’s not really a better way to do it, that doesn’t obliterate season progression. Seasons are their own thing. You don’t need to partake, but they usually throw in a bunch of cool things to earn and events to participate in, that make it interesting and (mostly) worth your time.
You must not have paid close attention to the latest trailer for Volume 1. It starts by counting off the MGS titles in numerical order: “MGS 1, 2, 3, then stops on 4…..” and then quickly skips ahead to the year 1964, when MGS3 takes place. In my eyes, there’s only one way to take that; Konami is releasing every MGS title, including MGS4 and I think that was an obvious teaser.
I cannot wait for all of these games to be on PC, especially MGS4. Finally a stable frame rate and crisp 4k resolution, hopefully with HDR. MGS1 is one of the first “next-Gen” games that I played as a child. The rest of the series did not disappoint, not even with the endless hours of dialogue and cutscenes. I listened and watched every second of it and loved all of it. Don’t care if it makes much sense. It’s wild, hilarious and intriguing. Might be my favorite franchise of all-time.
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