@epic_poke8: I don’t even want to hear it. The entire “movement” has been damaging all on its own. It’s going to take another 10-15 years to balance everything out.
I am all for it. This was my favorite Batman, up until The Batman released. It’s actually a very dark version of Batman. It may be campy and colorful, but there really aren’t many scenes that aren’t dark and broody at the same time. The problem is that it came after Tim Burton’s version, so everyone thought it jumped the shark, especially with how extravagant some characters can be. I thought the casting was great. It is what it is. It is exactly what it tried to be.
I hated Bale in the Nolan movies. I only enjoyed The Dark Knight out of the trilogy and we all know why that is. Ledger of course. I didn’t like Clooney whatsoever, not even as a kid.
That said, I can’t believe I haven’t seen this deleted scene before. I would absolutely love to see the Schumacher cut, especially if that deleted scene is anything to go by.
@djoffer123: No need for fanboy talk. They originally said 2022, but didn’t give an exact date. In February of 2022, they said it had about a year of development left, which turned into a year and a half. Sure, no specific date was ever given, but it was definitely delayed, which is fine. I’m all for games getting delayed if it means a smooth launch and complete content. Let us just rejoice in the fact that it launches very soon and probably in very good condition :)
@irilthir: I imagine it would be an incredible and overwhelming experience. Imagine being the guy that buys it for millions of dollars so he can stare at it in a case.
@zelda37: I agree. He had offers early on (2018) and turned them down. After that, nobody wants him, despite his efforts to come back, and I don’t blame them. He shot himself in the foot in too many ways.
At least he’s not Antonio Brown, though. Mockery doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of how much of a joke he is.
Bad news for Nvidia users. I don’t care about raytracing (it’s rarely ever used in an impressive way), but if we get stuck with FSR2 and no DLSS, that would be terrible. FSR2 is not good.
@olddadgamer: Eh, it’s not exactly coming early on PC. It’s been in Early Access on PC for almost 3 years and had been pushed back for an entire year in 2022.
@zelda37: While I agree that Kaepernick is a very odd choice (I’m not a fan), it hasn’t been his choice to not play. He’s been trying to get onto a team for years and still is. That said, who cares what player they show off in the trailer. It clearly has an all-star cast of players. The best of the best, which is very surprising. I wonder if they’ll have some old school players as well? That would be cool. I’ll buy any legitimate attempt at a fun football game before I ever buy Madden. And though I really dislike the way the characters are built, it does look like it could be a lot of fun like the old days.
We also have Maximum Football coming up this year, for those that want a physics based competitor to Madden.
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