How many more times do people have to hear this before games stop being released in such poor conditions? People are becoming numb to these apologies. Though I’m sure the developers themselves feel bad, the publisher doesn’t care. They are always the driving force behind a bad launch. Every single new game this year has released in a bad state.
@tsunami2311: Xbox has done an excellent job with backwards compatibility for old games, including a bunch of games from the original Xbox. Anything that’s backwards compatible, is available digitally on the Xbone and the Series X. PlayStation is working on their backwards compatible games (but not doing very good with it). Xbox is killing it digitally. I’ll give them that.
@Tinderbox24: Standard pricing has been raised to $70. It’s not $60 anymore, save for a few exceptions (for now). I can understand the disappointment with no physical copy, but at the same time, there are more digital only games than anyone can possibly count. It sounds like you only play AAA games. And that’s fine, but there are plenty of extremely good games (even better than AAA games) that are only available digitally.
I’m sure there will be a physical release at some point. It may be a specialty shop that produces it, but I think it will happen eventually.
@Tinderbox24: What exactly are you complaining about? Digital copies have always been the same price as physical copies. The current market is calling for $70 games, while Remedy is sticking with $60 on console and $50 on PC.
Are you telling me that you’ve never bought a digital copy of a game before? I’d love a physical steel book or something cool, but it’s not a big deal. Collector’s sets go for outrageous prices these days. Such as an extra $150-200 for a statue, some art cards and digital currency. No thanks.
Good. FFXV was unbearably cringey and its systems were extremely boring. Tales of Arise is 10x the game that FFXV is. I haven’t enjoyed a FF game in a very long time. Finally, this one looks to be up my alley.
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