People have been throwing actual fits about the “lack” of mercenaries mode, so I find it both awesome and funny that they confirmed it being in the game after all.
This remake really is looking top notch. It has everything I wanted it to have and retains and/or improves upon nearly everything from the original. All of my concerns have been settled at this point. It looks fantastic.
Fortnite is the buggiest game I’ve ever played. It’s not just little things either. It’s a lot of game ruining things for me and it got worse after the latest season update. Sprint randomly stops working and stays broken for the entire match or even two matches in a row. Items become stuck in the environment and you can’t pick them up. Sometimes you pick up a weapon, but it gives you an entirely different weapon, you get stuck behind invisible objects or get locked into place and I could keep going on.
Split-screen is an absolute joke, completely broken bugfest in more ways than I can count. The game has been out for years and it’s more broken now than ever. It really is terrible to play. I try to play it with my fiancé and her daughter as a family game night, but we all get too annoyed at how broken it is and how often we lose because of it, so we’ve stopped playing altogether at this point.
The CGI looks horrible, but overall looks entertaining. Surprised there doesn’t appear to be Pattinson Batman thrown in. I only see one of these hero movies every few years, so why not. I’ll bite on this one just for Batman.
Sticking to the theme, I like it. This game will, by no means, be a GOTY contender; but I’m willing to bet that it will be tons of dumb fun with very satisfying and gruesome combat. I’m all in for the ride. Plus, it has guns.
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