My only hope is that most game developers will simply ignore the "Games for Windows" scheme, and go their own way as they have done up to now. But unfortunately, some at least, will give it a try. And that percentage of devs that go the "Games for Windows" way will probably be the small upstart companies that welcome such "help" from Microsoft. Over time, however, I pray to god that they also get their fingers fried thanks to MS's greedy antics, and gamers alone won't be the only ones to suffer.
And you can bet your life on the fact that Windows Live will be a mirror image of X-Box Live. I for one can barely wait for a "Horse Armor" counterpart in every single PC game out there. I wonder if, should Windows Live stick, we'll even get patches for free.
If you take a closer look, you'll see that this is the Internet Explorer debate all over again, as MS is trying to impose a service which would otherwise be handled by independent companies by bundling it with Windows.
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