Spec wise the console is outdated I agree. Still the games look great. Maybe not PS4 or uber PC great, but good luck finding anything on any other platform like Metroid or Zelda or Mario and if you do you'll be playing it the same way you've been playing it since the PS1 days or you can stand in front of your TV while it tries to figure out what the hell your movements are. I prefer a new gameplay experience over quality of visuals any day and Nintendo is badass all around at doing it and doing it well. Hell Twilight Princess with the Wii mote is still my favorite gaming experience since using the nes advantage for track and field.
@Darth_Aloysius I never get tired of Mario, but I'm getting tired of Mario XP I want something new or a something brought back from the dead like Secret of Mana or something similar from a 3rd party dev. Nintendo has its franchises and I love them all. I really just want to see more from everyone else besides Ubisoft lol
@mhj0808 I kinda agree and kinda don't. I believe had it been marketed as new console rather than just showing off the controller than a lot more casual gamers would have eaten up. After watching several interviews with folks it seems that half of them thought it was an add-on or didn't even know what it was. In most of the interviews when they found out it was touch screen and functioned a lot like a tablet it seemed to be very interesting to them. Still Nintendo was piss poor marketing it.
So I was watching the E3 announcement today for the Wii U just to see what Nintendo had promised before the system came out. All I saw was where the hell is BF4 lol Not bashing the system at all and you can read my previous posts if you think so, but dang having EA bounce from making such ports sucks. I've played COD on the Wii U and it was amazing and fun as all get out! I have it on PC but it's a totally different experience on the Wii U!
I really wish Nintendo would have marketed this thing better. Jesus Christ on a camel!
@sirchick @joshphillips @EddyG0RD0 All of those are valid points. However the Wii U isn't the Wii by any stretch. The gamepad provides a more in depth experience than anything I've played on both the PS4 and XB1 or PS3 or 360 or even my PC. It's just pure genius. You've gotta try it for real. It's hard to explain. I just light up with amazement at how some of the tech is pulled off so fluidly. To me it's way more next gen, plus I get the added bonus of it being family friendly. I guess it just boils down to preference. You're opinion is just as valid as my own. Cheers.
@sirchick @joshphillips @EddyG0RD0 True to a point. Last gen I owned all three consoles and had a mega PC. While I love me some GTA and Resident Evil guess which system besides my PC I played the most. DIng DIng DIng the WIi! Why because my wife loved it, my nephew loved it and I loved it. I think people misunderstand the phrase mature gaming with blood and guts. What's more mature that or watching your loved ones enjoy a past time that only you've enjoyed by yourself or sceaming into a headset at others playing COD?
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