consider we don't have too many nextgen jrpg so far. blue dragon is the best.
jrpgliker's forum posts
Everytime I see Bioshock I try to look for something wrong with it and I can't find anything. 13 DAYS!!!
when is the demo out on live?
[QUOTE="ginglejangle"][QUOTE="xjet039"]this looks boring and so does all the otherbioshock videos.xjet039
whats really boring was that blue dragon demo,Im betting that the whole game will be boring with lousy music the whole way.
yeah right, i love the blue dragon soundtrack bioshock will just have another subpar soundtrack like alot of other fps except halo.
this thread has nothing to do with blue dragon.
thoughI admit bluedragon is a good game, too bad egm editor don't like JRPG.
confirmed, game of the year.
this new lair trailer made me almost fall asleep.
no wonder EGM said it's bad camera, stupid enemy ai, and boring gameplay.
I love how lemmings in this thread are claiming ownage over "graphics" and then they'll say the only thing cows claim ownage over is graphics.
you should be claiming ownage over exclusives to each platform, or can't you dothat?i thought games were what mattered most lemmings.
When a devs focuses just on the ps3 architecture the results speak for themselves. Now i'm not saying the ps3 is superior to the 360, but you lemmings are acting like the inverse is true. If that is so explain why a game like Uncharted, ratchet and clank, and heavenly sword looks as good asthey do.
What i find funny is that none of you have had the courage to say something like "360 graphics will always be better than ps3's ownage" you know not to say that. You're cowering behind the words of Carmack.
Practically every other FPS shown at E3 looked graphically better than halo 3(including killzone).
there are 2n generation ps3 games that look just as good as 2nd generation 360 games.
lemmings act like they don't provoke, but you guys do. Cows will probably reciprocate with an equally inane "claim of ownage".
if you know anything about about computer hardware, you will know why those multiplatform games looks better on xb360(this is not from lemming, but from ign 1up,gamespot.....)
CUZ ps3 do lack of memory , whether admit or not.:D
[QUOTE="jrpgliker"]it's funny, why cows don't blame sony made this huge sysytem , 96MB out of memory , but blame carmark.Primevil702
It doesn't use 96Mb anymore - you'd think someone who's in a development position would know this. The newer SDK uses 84Mb, and the OS will continue to see optimizations.
who? when? don't tell me til 2008 or sth.
hs was awesome. But nothing, in my opinion, will ever beat the three great Action-adventure games: prince of persia, God of war, and Ninja gaiden.elite_ferns1
but why hs didin't receive any awards at e3
2007 The Game Critics Awards Winners
Best of Show
Rock Band (Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Best Console Game
Mass Effect (Bioware/Microsoft Games Studio for Xbox 360)
Best PC Game
Best Handheld Game
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo for Nintendo DS)
Best Hardware
Rock Band Instruments(Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Best Action Game
Call of Duty 4 (Infinity Ward/Activision for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Best Online Multiplayer Game
Halo 3 (Bungie/Microsoft Games Studio for Xbox 360)Best Action/Adventure Game
Bioshock (Irrational Games/2K Games for PC, Xbox 360
Best Role Playing Game
Mass Effect (BioWare/Microsoft Games Studio for Xbox 360)
Best Original Game
Little Big Planet (Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for PS3)
Best Racing Game
Burnout Paradise Criterion Games/EA for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Best Fighting Game
Virtua Fighter 5(Sega for Xbox 360)
Best Strategy Game
World in Conflict
Special Commendation for Graphics
Killzone 2 (Guerilla Games/Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for PS3)
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