jshaas' forum posts
I usually vote Republican, and I get it. But I feel there's something else being implied by the POTUS. I get the sense that he's saying that you can't be successful without the government. It's more of that rhetoric about the government taking care of us so we don't have to be responsible for ourselves. That way of thinking just isn't right. That's why we have close to 50% of Americans not paying a penny in taxes. If they want to make cuts, how about cutting social programs that are making people as dependent as ever?? This does no good for any of us... especially the ones receiving the welfare. One thing he is right about is that we have a revenue problem... all the revenues aren't being collected. How do I know this? Because I'm part of that 50%. With my income level, plus two children, my tax refund was much more than my taxes paid for the year. Sure, it's nice to get that big refund check... but I realize that if it continues the this country that I love so dearly will no longer exist as it does today. So, it's not up to the super wealthy to pay more taxes (top 10% pay 70% of income taxes). It's up the government to completely change how it functions. I know this something that Barak Obama isn't willing to do... along with most of the other elected officials. Is Romney willing? I doubt it.
omg! socialism!!!!
hey everyone look at me! i'm an ot republican that does not have the brainpower to make sense of the simplest concepts.
I own P11's and volume and chat are completely different controls. Adjusting game volume won't effect chat volume at all. Just put game volume how loud you want, and put chat how loud you want. ( I recommend keeping chat at maxed because even at maxed it's not to loud )NintendoGamer3Did you even read the OP? She clearly understands that there are two separate controls for chat and game volume. Her problem is that the chat volume controls aren't working properly, and it's somehow affected when the game volume is adjusted. Also, just because it's not "too loud" for you doesn't mean it won't be too loud for others.
[QUOTE="jshaas"][QUOTE="Nuck81"] No where in the Bible is there an event like the Rapture described."For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 This is a pretty clear description of the Rapture. If you study the wording "caught up," you'll find that it means the same thing as to be raptured.That's a figurative passage, not a literal passage since the things it describes are impossible according to science. Things that are dead can not come back to life. The "Dead in Christ" are describing individuals that are spiritually dead. Those that are Christian in name only and their hearts and souls do not truly belong to God. Those that are truly Alive spiritually and are actively seeking God will be "Caught Up" with him in the clouds. "Clouds" in the sense refer to fog, or confusion. Kind of like when people say "my head is cloudy" Or "The Future is Clouded" The return of Christ will be met with great confusion and uncertainty, just as Jesus was to the Jews, When Jesus returns to Earth He will not come as people will expect, and only those actively seeking him will know him, and meet with him in the air. John Wilson Darby's church attendance was falling. People were simply not coming to his church anymore. He devised a plan to scare people back to Church and developed a new theory about a "Rapture" in 1830. It proved to be so popular into scaring people back into his Church that it spread to other churches and soon took off around the country. Only a few Protestant denominations teach the concept of a "Rapture" and Catholicism and Orthodox Churches have always held this passage to be figurative in meaning. The meanings of the metaphors in that scripture I provided have been established and taught for over a thousand years. Long before Darby needed more people dropping dollars in his collection plate. Who are we to decide what parts of God's word are literal or not? The Dead in Christ are the people that are in Christ (true followers), but die here on earth. "Impossible according to science" doesn't mean much when we're talking about things of a supernatural power. Nothing is impossible for God... He raised dead people many times throughout the Bible. Just because our finite minds can't fathom such a thing, doesn't mean it won't happen. You keep referring to Darby's church. Can you back up this claim with Scripture? That seems to be the only logical way to debate this.The Rapture is purely an invention by a man called John Wilson Darby. He invented the idea to get people to come to his church in the 1830's.
And he based this idea by cherry picking a single line from the Bible, with no consideration for what it was actually saying.
No where in the Bible is there an event like the Rapture described.[QUOTE="EntropyWins"] Until the rapture I mean...Nuck81
The Rapture is purely an invention by a man called John Wilson Darby. He invented the idea to get people to come to his church in the 1830's.
And he based this idea by cherry picking a single line from the Bible, with no consideration for what it was actually saying.
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 This is a pretty clear description of the Rapture. If you study the wording "caught up," you'll find that it means the same thing as to be raptured.[QUOTE="J-man45"]As C.S. Lewis said, "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body." I agree. Corinthians says when we are born again we become a new creation. This is the act of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Your old self is now dead, and new self (your soul that is now saved) is within your physical body.Not trying to be "that guy" but just to point out, the Bible says the words "eternal fire" at least once (Matthew 18:8). And I don't know if I agree with TC's interpretation of a "spirit" or a "soul."
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