this is my first post. I really enjoy the boards but sometimes no one is really there to have a good discusion, but rather post just to post. So here i am to lay down my you get tossed for your content?
I'm an 80's kid that grew up in the video game revolution. So many things have evolved since i first bought my famicom back in P.I. From Super Mario Bro. to GTA:SA.....the standards in which video games are made are phenomenal. I wonder if the video game makers ever fathom this kind of games. Everything is soo amazing...its a good time to be playing video games.
With that said, what i really don't like is this system wars thats been going on. For one some people really say idiotic things, its ridiculous, ps2 gets bashed,x-box gets bashed,gamecube gets bashed....its weird cuz all systems have a lot of games to offer. i LOVE THE FRIENDLY COMPETITION but some people really want blood out there. I wouldn't like to see any of the systems go away, i don't want any of the other next gen systems to flop, there are many games that all gamers should experience. It seems to me that a lot of gamers own more than one system. I remember back when i was a teenager, having a genesis is already mad respect, now ur not even considered a gamer unlesss u have certain games and numerous systems. I know most people don't care, i dont, but the whole lot of them play into this, esp. in the gs community. I wonder if these are immature lil kids runnin around in these boards. Thats the likely scenario.
The games are sooo addicting! I can't put down MVP Baseball 04, GTA:SA. I might not be good and interested in all types of games, but i'm willing to spend my money on more games. HAHAHA i told my sister that i'm going to be one of those people that won't ever let the video games go. Its my outlet from this world. I'm not going to get all philosophical about things...but since i bought my ps2, i officially crossed over from casual gamer to hardcore gamer. With the previous systems, i had to have parents permission, so i missed out on a lot of games. I wish i picked up snes and bought more genesis games instead of renting. I rented soo many games that i can't even remember. I Missed out on a lot of ps games. Thats what i think i regret the most. I didn't even play final fantasy until 2 years ago. I think i'm going to try to collect older systems and see if i can find the games i want from there. I know the graphics seems awfull compared to x-box and what is to come with the next gen but i think games are games. The graphics only go soo much, its about how fun those games are. I'm going to make sure i don't miss out on great games. I see the life-cycle of this generation is almost up, so i'm going to buy some if anything for nostalgic purpose. I think i'm turning too much of a collector. oh well....God Bless the video game industry.....
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