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Top 10 greatest games list: are they valid?

I've seen plenty of lists compiling the "top" or the "best" list ever especially when it comes to video games. I was inspired to do a list myself but as i started formulating my list, i came to a roadblock; validity. Most lists have typical games such as a Mario game or Zelda game, but mine didn't have a Mario or a Zelda game in my top 5. As much as i would like to say i know a thing or two about games, i can honestly say that i'm not knowledgeable enough to compile such a list that would represent in objectivity and validity. I honestly haven't played enough games. But is any list valid or can be even called objective? What good are these lists if there is no integrity or credibility with its compilers?Why come up with a list anyway?

As far as objectivity and validity goes, it's a real matter of gray area. Many websites and publications have tried to put one out. Most gamers may have agreed, but just because they work or get paid for playing/reviewing games, does it mean that it's a valid list? I say no because of many things.

One reason is that different publications review differently, making it ambiguous when compiling a game list. Do games make it on the list based on fun factor? How about influence in the industry? Is it because of innovation to a genre? What place does a game have on a list if it's the best in the genre? Some lists have games that make it for different reasons, but it never really is standardized. How much of what factor equates to its place in a list.Some publications give letter grades, while others give numerical score, but do they equate the same thing? Does score affect a place on a list? It's confusing to know that a game is great, but given different values,making it harder to judge its place on any list. As an example, i will compare Gamespot with Gamepro because of their review ****differences.The two publications rate on different scales, Gamespot being a numerical score based on a scale of 10 with merits/demerits to enhance the depth of a review, while Gamepro reviews have 4-5 categories that are rated on a 5 point scale, with the fun factor being the most integral score to determine a review of a game. Now both reviewed the game Burnout Paradise. Gamespot gave it a 9, while Gamepro gave it a 5.0 on the fun factor scale. Does this mean that the game got a perfect score on Gamepro? Does it mean that that Gamespot didn't find it as fun since they don't have a fun factor score? More importantly, does this score warrant the game a place on a greatest games list? I think every answer is a straight up No, so where does a reader of this list get their validity from? We all know Mario and Zelda are going to be somewhere in the top 10, but why? How and under what standards? This presents a problem in Gamepro and Gamespot. On Gamepro, many games have received a fun factor of 4.5-5.0. So if that was the said case, where do they go if they were to compile a list? On Gamespot's list of greatest games of all time, they have Gran Turismo and Counter Strike. Now a lot of people may agree that it should be on here, but the scores given for these games weren't even 9.0, which is the score given to a great game. How did these games get on the list if they weren't even rated as a great game? So if these publications argue that their scores should only be a factor, it leads to a bigger problem; credibility.

Credibility has become a word thrown around generously with the internet and the video game industry. Anyone is credible just as long as the webpage looks credible, and many people have fallen for it. Are these publications credible? What can a reader base its credibility on when it comes to a review, and most importantly, the "top" list? I think most publications start building their credibility through their reviews, but if a publication starts compiling a list based on other factors, and some obscure game, that they may have assigned a mediocre score, makes it on the list, there is a confusion that arises. One publication that I must comment on was Gamepro. In 2003-04(I think it was those 2 years) Gamepro did a monthly feature about the 10 best franchises of all time.


If you take a look at this list, you see a list where the bottom franchises had major flaws in between great games. When you look up some of the games, you see fun factor's from a couple of the games where it received 4.0-4.5. As a reader, questions of credibility arrive in the mind, more specifically "Wtf". Also, the number one franchise has a couple missing games that were produced, not under a Nintendo studio, on the CD-I that have been omitted from both Nintendo and the Gamepro list. How valid is this list, when I see a lot of discrepancies in their credibility.

Fanboyism in one form or another that hurts any list. The fanboyism can be towards a certain console, genre, or a certain era in gaming. If games are a media that constantly evolves, why are most games on a top list are made up largely on older generations? Most of the editors grew up on older generation games, but are these credible bases to put a game on a list. I'm pretty sure most of these editors can still pick up a game and enjoy the game, or may have revisited a game to review the game to validate its place on any list. But are these enough grounds? Isn't objectivity compromised if there is certain bias towards a game that may have been affected by nostalgia? Can a gamer have no bias? Are humans capable of having no bias? These questions dive into something deeper that would make this way too long so I leave it up to whoever ends up reading this. One last thing about fanboyism towards an era is the predicament that can arise in 20 years when the 8 year olds of the hi-definition era become the editors and game reviewers. Would those future editors still see the magic of pac-man? Would those editors have a place for a Super Mario Bro. game? Would the top ten list have Call Of Duty 4 or Bioshock? Would Halo 2 be the greatest game of all time? It could very well look that way based on the patterns I have seen.

Why do editors bother with a list? The list is important for gamers. It's a documentation of games they may have missed, or a validation for a gamer, or the game industry. It's a display of the accomplishments by pioneers and innovators. But I'm not sure that any list can ever live up to a standard. One can argue, and argue well, that no list is free from biasis or discrepancies. After writing this, I know in my heart I will write a list myself, but I know that this list will have an asterisk in my head, or a disclaimer somewhere in the article that these are only opinions of games that I played, and there may never be any real validity or credibility attached to this list.

new review system

now ive openly complained about the whole new rating system of gs. the score can't br broken down to a number so when people say a game is an 8.0...it could be just fun factor that was involved or some other factor. i totally loved the component scoring they had in place since the score can br broken down by anybody who was curious as to why it got an 8.0.

this isn't to say that the new system is just horrible because it isn't. the merit/demerit portion of the new review systemin one emblem is awesome. it describes in one merit/demerit which usually takes a paragraph. i really wish they would combine both systems. th ey say its to better judge puzzle/rhythm games who don't need high graphics, but ins sake for a universal system they sacrificed a really good review system.it isnt to say that those type of games couldnt get high ratings because guitar hero has gotten a AAA rating. they should bring back component with some new editions. but i digress from the whole point

i love reviewing games but i find that im not motivated to write because i don't like how the system is working. im looking to still do reviews but i want to set up a new system. ive seen some of the things gametrailers.com base their score on and i think i want to incorporate that. i also want to bring back component scoring and merit badges. i just have to find a way to make the component fit and what category the sum parts are going to be about.

im lagging on it but the next time i write a video game review i will have put it in place.

kingdom hearts 1, 1st hour impressions

so i went to disneyland with my girl a couple of weeks back. Most importantly i had fun with her, but on a gaming side note, it prompted me to start on kingdom hearts 1.

soo far its been okay. i just got out of traverse town. as far as athmosphere goes, it gives the best of both worlds as far as giving a good rpg and the disney charm. one doesn't over power the other although one can make an argument about disney being the main theme. to me, its a perfect blend with just the right amount to both.

the downsides aren't any different for me. the camera is horrible...i hate the gummy ship mini games. im not really into the button mashing. it doesn't feel too much of an rpg.

story is good soo far. im pretty sure it will get better as most rpg's do

since i beat marc ecko, its been hard to find a game i want to beat. been trying to slog through gta2(which is a great game, but it feels thin compared to san andreas which i shouldn't have beaten b4 gta3). gt3 is just way too massive of a game to beat. the indurance races are way too long and im rusty with the driving skills. i drive like a noob again.

so i think ill stick with kh1 for now

things i want to write about

i have a couple of ideas for blogs i want to write about but don't have time at the moment...

gaming then and now

ps,n64,dc the confused generation

gamespot, my biggest influence in gaming

multiplayer isnt what it used to be

video games-a single player experience

changes in the industry

10 things gamespot does right

10 things gamespot does wrong

video games as a collection

thats a lot of things to write about so yea ill get started on it when i can

gaming and girlfriends dont mix

well at least with mine anyway.

I was single for about 7 years and enjoyed playing games(and other things) with no one really saying much to me about how its a waste of time. it was a freedom that i enjoyed. being almost 26 and finally commiting to a girl has really changed my life. for one thing, my life is seriously not as lonely anymore. One downside of it however is this whole dillemma of playing video games or spending time with her. i can't have both at the same time, and picking one means ignoring the other...completely.

i get the constant groaning coupled with the rolling of eyes when i tell her im gonna hunker down and play some games for awhile. what is it about games that threatens her and our relationship? i tried to be nice about it and try to explain to her that I DO want to spend quality time, with her, but video games is just a form of entertainment just like watching tv. i do assure her that gaming wont interfere with the relationship. It doesnt work. she says that i spend too much time gaming when i can account for a good 5 months that i spend most of my free time with her. but can't a guy unwind sometimes?

She also says that its juvinille. I really dont get the point. Im not going to sit here and deny that i started playing games when i was 20 cuz i didn't. i started gaming when i was young, but the games have evolved with me. i'm not playing the goonies or popeye. im playing games that mirror movies. its a choose your own action media which is far more engaging than sitting down for 2 hours and being taken along a story. Most games have become mature in nature. Violence is much apart of the adult world as it is for a teenager. what is soo juvinille about that?

gaming is in my blood. i have a passion for it. i love my woman and want to make her happy, but it seems that the 2 dont mix. it should get better as time goes right? who knows...

finished another game

ended up playing marc ecko's game. finished it in 2 weeks in between my sports games. im surprised i finished that game that fast since i hated the fighting sequences,which happened to be more frequent each level. it was a good game. it had the potential to be a better game, which i will review sometime.

think im going to take a break with action games for awhile, the action games ive played lately were fun not because of the action...maybe an rpg for the holidays? i think i will

gaming bargains

i dont know why but ive been getting some very cheap deals on some good/great games. within the past month i have gotten a new copy of tourist trophy for $16,marc ecko:getting up,contents under pressure $10. i managed to get a hold of nba ballers used for $3.

i have been blessed. these are the games ive been wanting but by the time i wanted to get them, there were no new copies to go around. id have to say getting marc ecko game was the best. i wonder if i can score a dragon quest game for cheap

gaming update

so i finished paper mario and i must say that the game got better after that chapter. im going to write a review soon but not really in the mood as of now.

i also ended up finishing pop1. man more action games need platforming like that one. to be honest i thought that the combat actually took away from the game. i didn't have fun beating monsters. im going to write a review for that as well.

neway i dont know what to play now. i dont want to end up getting stuck playing sports games again for another year and a half. im not really sure what to play from my collection. i was thinking maybe wow, but im not sure my gpu can handle it. whatever happens though im trying to finish at least one more game this year. being laid off is a pain but at least i managed to finish 4 games in about a month which is astonishing since sports games are what keeps me occupied in the gaming world. i used to think im not really a skilled gamer when it comes to some game genres, but im starting to think i have a nack for those genres after all. well see what happens next...

do you guys have any recomendations on what i should play next (only in my collection)

paper mario game update

well i got up to chapter 6. its by far the least interesting. the game kinda wore out as the leveling system kinda sucks. the charm is still there but the game isnt really engaging when it comes to the combat. i think what makes this game soo good is because its a mario game. i should be able to finish it in 5 sitting sessions.

one more note. i love games where you can level up with no cap, and for the most part mario can level up pretty easily. one thing though is that the companions only can level up one time. im not sure i like that since their hp is low. granted the combat is easy, but i love leveling up character. also marios attack power can only be boosted up through badges which doesnt work well for me. maybe im just 2 much of a final fantasy fan or something but im not really liking it.

i can see why this hit AAA but its starting to wear thin. rite now it kind of dropped to the 8's as far as ratings go

outside looking in: next gen

when the fuss about next gen was its height, i mentioned that i wasnt ready to let go of the current gen. i said this because i was really backed up with a lot of games from previous gen that i thought i wouldnt be envious at all with the graphics driven next gen.

that was up until i saw 3 games...nba 2k8,call of duty 4 and assasins creed. im a big sports fan and seeing 2k8 gave me a sense of hope that this generation of games was actually going to see ai that would actually be similar to the real life games. the animation is superb and the ai is catching up.i used to be an fps junkie (thanks counter-strike) but i was not big with action/sneaking around type games, but seeing the trailers, hearing the reviews and looking at what ive been missing out on...im kinda changing my tune. the games look awesome and the next gen games that have come out since the 360 launch has been impressive though i still think next gen was underwhelming. i think this is half the evolution that a next gen should have brought.

i still have plenty of games i have to finish but the biggest drawback is money. one thing is for sure though. i wont be buying any games unless i am as interested as i am with the games i just mentioned. not that im saying im going aaa exclusive here, but i cant pick it up just because i heard it was a good game, but it has to be a good game that i want to play. it eliminates the backlog of games i have accumulated in trying to experience all kinds of great games. it was affordable back then, but not now.

so heres to you next gen...ill be there soon enough...let me get my life together...