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Game impressions #2

ok so ive been purchasing some games lately and tried to prioritize which games i should play in what order. so god of war 2 has to be put aside, and cod4 has to be played in spurts. i got a job now so i cant play 5 games in one day. i have to kind of focus on one or 2 at a time.but here are my gaming impressions for this week

kingdom hearts 2- ok after experiencing some exciting story plot moments, it went back to uncovering more worlds, basically it fun leveled off. the story isnt holding up as well as i want it to be because its involving world specific plots, with little or no advancement to the bigger plot. plus i had to re-visit a couple of worlds, which i wasnt to fond off because they werent really essential to the story. you didn't have to go back twice. havent played it in a week. will give more impressions when i pick up the game again.

crisis core:final fantasy 7- wow! the visuals are amazing. i don't a psp and im not really big on handhelds but being a ff7 fan i borrowed it, and its made me a believer of the psp. its trully stuning. the story is griping. there are new characters, and so far all of them fit in quite nicely. zack is what tidus should have been in ffx. on the downside, the battle system is meh. the dmw (slots) is cool but i hate how its the only way i can level up, through chance, and not through results of battles. sure the more enemies you face and defeat, the more chances you get to level up, or get some cool attack, but when facing tough foes, dmw has becomes somewhat of a chance that i dont like relying on. other than that, the game is cool. maybe the dmw can offer up more things later on, but as of right now its the only downer for me.

gta4- ok so i havent finished gta3 or vice city but i had to get this after seing the review, and gamestop deal. you know what, it deserves that score. i picked it up after the patch so there isnt any crashing here. the city feels organic. very alive. niko, the main character, is flat out hillarious, and a pretty likable guy. characters are funny, and the missions are still fun. its better organized, and the best feature i think is the fact that the missions are carried out through cell phones, and you can disable any storyline mission calls if you want to raise hell. i don't know about the online yet, but everything else ive experienced soo far has been awesome.

assasins creed-ok so i checked it out after purchasing it on sale for $30. well another amazing world. i like how it feels busy and massive. the main character altair is a bit of a shmuck, arrogant, and too bloodthirsty to be an assasin, but the premise is interesting enough, even though i hate the sci fi twist to it. combat is a little clunky for me, especially when battling more than one guy. i need to spend more time than this, but its good soo far.

this hd era of gaming is crazy! the worlds and size of these games are truly a blessing for us gamers, now if they only made it cheaper to game, i would be buying more games. til next time

new job=new games

ok so i just found a job as a construction worker. i've always wanted to be a handy man but when i was growing up, i was spoiled with my dad doing all the handy work around the house. its a chance for me to finally learn something that can benefit my future family. i can get back to taking care of my life. don't have to depend on my girl or my family to help me. its been almost a year, thanks you stupid economy, since my last job, so i'm glad. its hard work, but hell its worth it for now.

one thing this does mean is more games. im going to try and pre-order mgs4 and sw:fu. so ye, i also got a card now so i may be going on half.com and getting some of those games i missed.

damnit why can't i save? hahaha

stupid eb games and mgs1

so a couple of years back i saw a copy of mgs1 in eb games for $10. i thought it was a steal, even though it wasn't in its original case. i bought it and put it away at a later time to play. fastforward to 3 nights ago. i watching a video blog and i saw someone holding an original double disc case of mgs1, which was a problem to me since i only owned a one case mgs1 game. so an alarm sounded in my head and realized they sold me only one disc. isn't that wrong?

so i just spend another thirty bucks to get metal gear solid essential collection only for one game. well 2, my mgs2 had no instruction manual and was pretty scratched up.

well the government should know i got carded for it. stupid $30 down the drain.

1st OFFICIAL game impressions blog

ive had a couple of game impressions blog, but i think i'm going to try to make this a weekly or bi monthly update, so this would be the official blog.

kingdom hearts 2- so i mentioned that i wasn't totally impressed with the first 7 hours of the game. I found that the worlds weren't as imaginative or as charming as the first one. In the last couple of days however, 2 worlds in particular totally turned the tide for me. the game has a way better fighting system than the first one. it actually makes combat fun. the menu's are more functional and better looking. the gummi ship levels are actually NOT DREADFUL. the gummi ship customization is more an option now, and you can go through it without touching thanks to the blueprints that automatically upgrade your ship. storyline is picking up so ill give my impressions of it next time.

god of war 2- the first 3 hours seem familiar. the first stage was a bit more challenge but it really just feels familiar. graphics are good, but the storyline is not as intruiging as the first one, but at least it isn't a story that feels like it was mashed together quickly so a sequel could happen. it makes enough sense. a couple of the moves that you acquire are helpfull, and the environment is beautiful. everything is looking good for god of war 2.

call of duty 4- the story was awesome. gerstman was right in saying it leaves the world feeling like it didn't get better. the story is gritty and the action is too intense. its like the movie blackhawk down times 10. graphics are awesome, sound is awesome, and the story ended 20 hours too early for me. multiplayer is soo addicting. most of the perks aren't usefull to my playingstyle but upgrading guns is really cool. apart from internet problems, i could easily be playing this 10 hours a day. its ALMOST (not quite) as addicting as counterstike was for multiplayer.

nba 2k8-the best basketball game ever made. this wasn't possible for the legacy system, and now that i have a ps3, i see that the sportsgame genre is going to be awesome. the signature moves are so awesome. animation and movement are superb, but the faces,especially the computer generated players are awful. this is byfar the best sports game.

new inspirations (gaming)

ok so i posted a couple of blogs ago that i was going to start doing more reviews but i have 2 problems. still formulating a review system that i would want, since i can't figure out the compenent scale gs used, and i want more categories than their basic 5. the second is that the family computer is in my sisters room while my laptop's keyboard does this weird thing where it would write over stuff that i previously wrote so sentences may not make sense because what i wrote on the 5th sentence partly makes its way in the middle of the third. its already a chore to type blogs out, i;m not trying to make a debochery of my reviews. i take pride in them so anything less than what i find satisfactory won't be tolerated. i had a couple before, but not nemore.

i also wrote about compiling a greatest game list. i wanted one that was legit, but in the end it just wasnt possible. BUT i saw spike3o0o do a 5 part series so it was inspiring enough that i will make one but only based on the games i enjoyed. so this list will not include any legend of zelda unless its windwaker or the dx gbc edition. no mario 64 since i didn't have it, nor any ninty game unless it came out for gc or nes. its going to be a weird list but i'm going to start compiling one. so far here are my top 5 (apart from the first 2 games, this list is going to change, big time)
  1. star wars:knights of the old republic 2,sith lords-xbox
  2. counterstrike-pc
  3. tekken 5-ps2
  4. shining force-sega genesis
  5. star wars:knights of the old republic-xbox

its going to be really difficult for me because there are others that i know are in the top ten but i just don't know where they go yet. finfal fantasy 7,x are on there. god of war, gran turismo, call of duty are all on there. i'm going to take my time with this list and by the time i'm done with it, i hope to have a new webcam with a mic on it so i can start a video blog. typing this out would take too long. but maybe i can type it out . so i'm giving myself a couple of months, maybe a year or 2.

that also means i can't get stuck playing 2 many sports games, or cod4. i have god of war 2 and kh2 to finish. so hopefully i can get done with both soon. kh2 would have to be incremental since i'm not really as impressed with this than the first one or maybe me n my girl need to go to disneyland again.

after those 2 games, i might start playing some old pc games and ps1 games. i just dont know about ps1 games since they are mostly rpg's. i dont want to get burnt out with rpgs....maybe thats why i can only play kh2 incrementally. its really not that bad of a game, the fighting system is actually better, and the menu's are a whole lot better, but then again its just the story.

i guess thats it 4 now....

1st week of gaming with ps3

my first week of gaming has been filled with sleepless nights. i don't go to bed til 5:30 (if i had a job, this would be a big problem) and my gf is getting on my case about it.

i'm enjoying the ps3. already beat call of duty and enjoying what i believe by far is the best basketball game ever made. everything i wanted in a basketball game, it was done here. free online is soo dope. all i need now is hdmi cables and a tv

My next generation console is....

i had this very lengthy editorial that just got erased before i can submitt it (stupid laptop) so i'm too lazy to re-write it.

but after much delibaration...i finally picked up a ps3!!!!

i was close to buying a 360 but after much research i couldn't stand the failure rate of even the 360 elites. Though it was cheaper and the games were better, i couldn't stand the idea of it breaking down and paying for xbox live. Plus mgs4 is the start of the great exclusives that sony promised us a long time ago. i'm inversting in you again sony...don't let me down.

finally got internet back

life really wasn't bad without the internet but i just wish i couldve accessed a couple of websites, but all in all it wasn't painfull.

but i finally beat moh:allied assault. wish i actually played this before call of duty, cuz it was pretty good. i was just put off by the graphics and lack of a lean button. but it was far more challenging especially the tank sequences. couldn't drive that for crap. i don't even know why they try to have these tank sequences. they're not fun for me at all. so yea, i think im starting to pick up the pace as far as beating games go. beat 2 soo far despite the fact that i was homeless for awhile. if i wasn't soo homeless maybe i wouldve beaten more. after i finish kh2, i think ill go back into some action games, or some platformers for once.

kingdom hearts gaming update

so ever since my disneyland trip with my girl, ive been playing kingdom hearts. the first time i played this game i wasnt really enjoying it. however, the trip to disneyland really heightened my interest, and ultimately my enjoyement of the game.

its not really a great rpg as far as battle system goes. actually i find it horrible. how can a live action rpg not have a better block button. what is the defense attribute for if you don't actually do any defending. well off course you can acquire the skill button it isn't a button that you can actually hold. its more of a parry button more than a block and its assigned to the same button a do defensive rolls. the camera sucks, which is funny since itsa not a static camera.

with that said, the story,worlds, and characters more than make up for it. its flaws are more than forgivable. disney always holds a certain charm, and if it wasn't for disney, this game would fail.