As we all know The playstation brand made by Sony was the dominant console in the market the last two generations. We also know that The ps3 has struggled to get market share this generation, and is currently the 3rd console (excluding handhelds) as far as install base. I've been utterly frustrated at their setbacks and strategic blunders not because i'm a fanboy, but because with the economic state in the U.S., i only had enough to support one console, which happened to be the ps3. I'm waiting for more gamers to jump on board because it makes the product better. More gamers, more games, more support from devs=better gaming experience. I'm not asking anyone to share my opinion and i'm not starting a flame war with ms fanboys, but i do want the most out of MY CONSOLE. Since i can't exactly reach Mr. Trenton or Sir Howard Stringer to voice my opinion, this blog is what i would relay to them.
Dear Sony,
It must be pretty tough to know that the ps3 brand isn't going as well as you guys would have hoped. I know that this year has been a little better, and actually had a couple of months where you outsold one of your rival consoles, the xbox 360, but is this enough to be in 2nd place? I hope not. As a long time playstation supporter, i feel that the ps3 is a great system, but there have been a lot of wrong strategies thats holding the system back. Im not here to demoralize or tell you how to run your business, but you may have lost touch with your consumers. My voice is one of many, but it could help if you just listen.
I know that you loose money with every console sold, and price cuts would further hinder your goal for profitability, but there are not enough ps3 owners out there. The economy isn't doing so well and if you want those previous ps2 owners to jump on the wagon for this generation, asking $400 from us is just a little steep. We also have to buy a $60 for a 2nd controller along with a $65 game, so getting started with your console is leaves us financially strapped. It leaves little room in our budget for games. So why not a price cut? The cheaper it is, the more appealing your console becomes. I know its a big hit to you financially, but i know you guys make it up through game sales right? I know that if you had a bigger install base, then your games would sell better. The more games you sell, the more you can recoup right?
Speaking of games, what happened to them? A lot of the most profitable exclusives have gone multiplatform.As a gamer who spendsa lot of money for a system, we have to know that all the great games are going to this system. If some of these great games are going to other systems that are cheaper and sometimes better versions, it only makes sense to buy the other system. Your company was known for great exclusives, a huge diverse library that covers all bases, at it would serve you well to stay the course. I know that the internal studious are developing exclusives, but thats only one part of the equation. Loosing,or not protecting, existing franchises such as DMC4, Final Fantasy xIII, and loosing your timed exclusive for GTA 4.
One of your guys, Peter Dille quoted " "To me it's a little bit analogous to the GTA announcement. Microsoft spent a lot of money to get the development on their platform. And if you look at what happened in May, you could see there was a pretty even split between PS3 [and 360], so I'm not sure that it had the impact that Microsoft was banking on, to spend all that money to get a cross-platform game.";title;4
While you didn't pay for the content, what you guys did is loose out on two things. You lost out on system sales, and you lost out on game sales. After the first month, the ps3 version sold less copies, while the 360 version, though declined as well,was still at the top of the game charts. This game title would have boosted your hardware sales by a lot if it was even a timed exclusive. Many people look forward to these titles, and i believe you guys missed out on a bigger part of the cash cow. The same thing is going to happen with FF XIII. Exclusive titles are what drive hardware sales especially if the hardware happens to be the most expensive one.
Let me not forget, don't ignore rpg's. As far as North America goes, your console doesn't even have the most japanese rpg's out there. Many of your loyal consumers are waiting for the rpg's to roll in, including me, so make some deals, get some exclusive rpg's in the gamers hands. Don't alienate this genre in favor for the fps. Though its whats selling, your console always had a reputation for bringing quality rpg's. Please don't tarnish it.
I'm also a bit frustrated with you guys introducing a different model and bundle every couple of months. I held out from buying a 60 gig ps3 since i heard that there was an 80 gig coming out, only to find out that they only sold a 40 gig when i had the money. By the time i bought the 40 gig, you re-announced the 80 gig that isn't backwards compatible. You guys are confusing those who want the best model out there.I bet people are still holding out to see which model you guys are going to settle on, so coming to a decision and sticking with it might help bosst sales. I hated getting shafted by your business strategy. You guys could have made more money had you kept your models/bundles steady. You can only do this for soo long before actually adressing the price cut issues.
On a side note, don't ignore the psp market. It seems that most aren't developing many titles for it. Lead by example, and approach the studiou's for more content. Bring more rpg's like the dragon quest,tales, and atlus. Its what sells. and it will drive your console.
As much as you guys are trying to promote an "all in one" machine, it sometimes hurts when its main purpose, gaming, is not always being refined through different services and improvements or even given enough effort. Introducing a better psn store is nice, but it would have been better to make your psn network have a more structured system for gaming would have been better. Coming up with trophies is a nice idea, but its half assed if you leave it up as an option for developers to implement if they choose to. If you want to compete with achievement points, then do so wholeheartedly. Giving us 50 million usb slots is nice, but giving us hdmi cables would have been better. Its these little things that i see, and others see, that makes supporting the ps3 much harder. We are smarter as consumers, and we aren't the richest.
All is not lost this generation. Adressing these problems, and giving us consumers some wholehearted effort would do a lot to turn the tide. I jumped onboard because i felt your console would be the best choice, but others are still unconvinced, or have converted. With a price cut, more and better exclusives, your console will rise again. But if you live in the past and continue with the strategy of old, then expect your reign to have been lost. Good luck and keep the great games coming.
A concerned gamer
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