im a bit surprised ive been nominated. ive been on gs since 04, and as much as i used this site, ive never really put in much work to try to get recognition for my blogs,vid reviews or all the other fun activities gs has to offer. well i just want to send my gratitude and appreciation to be even nominated. i don't expect to win or anything, but thanks for giving me something because i love gaming. Ive never ever been recognized or given a pat on the back for loving games (its quite the total opposite). so thanks gs...youve been my gaming website since day one....
jsmoke03 Blog
Thank you sony!
by jsmoke03 on Comments
For months now, i've been blogging and expressing my feelings for sony to step up. I thought that it started when mgs4 came out, but not that many people jumped on board.Since that day, sony has been firing their big guns as we have seen a plethora of quality titles worthy of any gamers attention. Despite all the quality put forth by sony, not that many jumped on the bandwagon. Finally just a couple of weeks ago, sony dropped the price, and now the gamers are finally jumping. Funny how gamers didn't flock with games but with the price. Whatever the reason, its okay, welcome to the family!
but that isn't why i'm writing, i'm writing because i was one of the ones that jumped on because of trust in sony, when there was little to be optimistic about. The games soon followed after i joined, and that was what i was thankful for. I took a chance when i could have easily had instant gratification with a 360 (which i know would have bricked on me since i got hooked on cod4) which has a great library, but for some reason, i knew sony would deliver. AND IT DID IN A BIG WAY. playing kz2 sp and uncharted recently, i found myself having 2 much fun. As my cod4 obsession is dying (stupid lag) i turn to the sony exclusives, and i must say that these games are super awesome. I wish i had all the exclusives, but the ones i picked up are super awesone.
- Uncharted has blown away any scepticism from the demo. it is a fullfledged AAA title imo, and i think the best sony exclusive ive played soo far.
- killzone 2 is by far the best fps sp experience i've ever had. unlike cod, there is no infinite wave of bots and grenade spamming. The cover system really works well and every fps should have one if they want to consider giving us players immersive gameplay.
- little big planet is the sibling game. My sister and i enjoy going through levels together. a great platformer and i'm still gushing over the whole cutesy and creative take on a platformer.
- mgs4 is an awesome game that i havent been able to really spend time on because i haven't finished the first 3 games. the first level is awesome, and i still think is the best looking game this gen (until uncharted 2 comes out) i heard that a trophy patch is coming sometimie (rumor) so i can hold off a bit on finishing the game. one thing that tripped me out, is this was the first game my sister was interested in playing. thats how good this game is
- gt5p is a demo, but a very damn good one. i litteraly love car shoping with this game. the visuals are top notch, and the driving physics is awesome...
with all the great titles that have already come to the ps3, surprisingly the future releases seem to look much better. with uncharted 2, heavy rain, last guardian,gt 5 and all sorts of other games that i can't even remember right now, i'm having a hard time fitting this all into my budget. thank you sony! this generation has been an awesome experience and i look forward to many more
My internet is wack and other things
by jsmoke03 on Comments
ok so i have this stupidly old tv thats as old as my sister that just failed on me. the av plugs got pushed in because it only had one set of av plugs while i was switching from my ps3 to cable. i had to switch to another room and now the signal strength varies between 30% to 60%. this is a big problem when i play any online game as i lag like a mutha especially when i play call of duty. my signal dips from green to red every 5 seconds. so my k/d ratio has been fluctiating and i can no longer rush with my m40 sniper with acog because of the lag. worse, everyone thinks i'm lag glitching....its sooo frustrating. not only that but my comp seems to not connect to the gateway so i'm left with my laggy ps3 for my internet. anyone who touts the internet browser of the ps3 as a great feature must be smoking something cuz its barely functional and very clunky without a keyboard and mouse.
meanwhile, i started my buying spree again (not as bad as before) i have purchased the following games
- skate 2
- fight night round 4
- street fighter 4
- uncharted 1
- brothers in arms: hells highway
these games are pretty awesome (still sucking and sf4 though) and i'm especially surprised at how good uncharted is. i didn't particularly impressed with the demo, but i picked it up due to how good uncharted 2 looked. Well uncharted is awesome, and i can understand why soo many people say this is their favorite game this gen. awesome graphics and awesome gameplay, with terrific voice acting. 8.0 is hardly the score it deserves in gamespot.
also ive been pleasantly surprised how fun gaining trophies are. i'm not hip to the idea of buying games like hannah montana to get platinum trophies, but i get satisfaction out of getting some trophies, especially if i don't have to deviate 2 much from my playstyle. i'm not addicted by any means, but its a welcome feature.
one thing i am disapointed about is that i didn't finish any games over summer break thanks to call of duty. i spent all 2-3 months trying to get the 10th prestige and i became apart of a clan. how that happened was a bit weird. over winter,i taught one of my close homegirl how to play since all she did was watch me and his brothers and homeboys play. suffice to say she got good and she got addicted. she got a boyfriend and he played as well. also, his bestfriend plays, so we decided to make a clan. so if you see 4ZkN clan, thats us...or HUMPD clan (alternate mess around clan). oh almost forgot, i taught my little sister how to play call of duty she enjoys the quick scope, no scope technique. she has really good aim, but bad tactics. im trying to have my sister and my homegirl start an all girl if any girls interested (i hardly doubt any girl reads my blog anyway) join up....
lastly, if anyone has any tips on the boss fight on the bridge stage on killzone 2 , please lemme know since i'm getting frustrated with this flying mech. i know to shoot these blue rods to stun the mech, but switching from my a/r to the rocket launcher takes way 2 long. thats all for now folks
a gaming update, not a gaming impression
by jsmoke03 on Comments
i'm not going to do any game impressions on here, but i just want to update the blog with what gaming things i've been doing.
first off, i haven't been able to put down the game SKATE. its soo addicting. I'm not a skater or anything, but i have a love for skating games (closest thing for me to skating neway). It got to the point i started making highlight video's of what i've been doing. What i love soo much about this game is how i can skate realisticly. The environment is skating heaven...and i'm having fun trying to make my own realistic skate video's. Its challenging given i don't really know whats realistic to pull of or not...i just find a line, grind it, kick flip to nose manual switch kickflip out etc.... but what i do end up doing which might not be realistic is i keep trying to grind, gap 15 stairs, gap 5 stairs etc..... i think after my next vid i'm going to refrain from doing that. so yea...if you ever get the chance, check out my vid...comment and suggest what i can do better...i want to try to make the most realisitic montage as best i can and i need feedback...can't wait til i pick up skate 2
i picked up sonics ultimate genesis collection because of 2 games -shining force 1 and shining force 2. When i was younger, i loved shining force to death though i couldn't beat the game. i don't know if its cuz of gameplay tweeks, or getting older meant i got smarter, but i breezed through it in 7-10 sessions. i still love the game and its still my 2nd favorite game of all time. i'm going to play shining force 2 next.
speaking of finishing...this brings me to 4 games beat this year (i know pathetic number, but with skate and call of duty 4, i couldn't help it)
- cod:waw
- star wars force unleashed
- shining force
- skate
ok these are all ps3 games i know, and i should end up tapping into my hundred plus game backlog from older systems, and i should...i'm planning to get into god of war 1 soon and mgs 1. i hope to finish killzone 2 soon (i have to restart a level cuz it auto saved when i had a sniper when i needed an smg or A.R. at the end of the level. hopefully i can beat at least 20 games this year (i have the whole summer off)
okay i cut back on my game purchases by a lot. As much as there are soo many great ps3 exclusives coming out....i don't have any income and its really hard to find a job around here so i'm dwindling my list down to a couple of must have games. heres my list
- modern warfare 2 (picked up)
- tekken 6 (picked up)
- fight night round 4 (picked up)
- skate 2 (picked up)
my other list of games that i am going to pick up as soon as i get steady income
- resident evil 5 (picked up)
- street fighter 4 (picked up)
- infamous
- uncharted 1 (picked upp)
- uncharted 2
- heavenly sword
- god of war 3
- final fantasy xiii
- ff versus
- mafia 2
- resistance 1
- resistance 2
- assasins creed 2
- gran turismo 5 (full game)
- fallout 3 (picked up)
- brothers in arms: hells highway (picked up)
- prince of persia
and when some games get cheaper, i hope to collect (since i am a collector at heart) all AAAe titles from sony better continue to do a good job in delivering to us some great content
edit: oh incase you are interested in watching my skate it is
game impressions #9 (fight night round 4 demo impressions)
by jsmoke03 on Comments
ok so its been awhile since ive done this. been going through more ish in my life, but i have been gaming quite a bit. here are some of the games i've been playing
skate ps3- ok so i should be writing a review since i finished this game in 3 sessions. first things first, it was tons of fun. no other game feels close to the excitement in skating than this game. great animation, the environment feels like a living breathing city and the outdoor spots felt great.
i can talk about how good this game is, but some things were frustrating. For a game that touts that its realistic, they demand multipliers reminiscent of thps series. some of the missions can get frustrating because of the analog control isn't always accurate. my biggest gripe is having to complete vids later in the game. you have to get some ridiculous scores for a 30 second clip and having to grab and do grinds and getting air. also can i get more apparel from nike. fun game, but there are some flaws...7.5 for me
sonics ultimate genesis collection- oh man this is an instant pick up. with soo many classic games you can spend a month completing each game. sonic games are still fun. streets of rage is still decent. the best part of this collection other than nostalgia is that the rpg's still play well. anyone looking for great value in a game, or a retro gamer or want to find a good collection of retro games should pick it up.
fight night round 4- ok so i got the pre-order demo. there are a lot of improvements. one is the physics. being able to fight up close and have glancing blows is awesome. punches are sick and really look like it hurt. commentary got waaaay better. with teddy atlas joining the booth, you get background commentary and analysis and the back and forth banter that brings a whole new level of authenticity.the boxing is intense. you can unleash 8 punch fluries. closing in is easier so in fighters aren't outgunned. also you can bob and weave. the corner is much more interesting because your performance in a round can replenish health, stamina, or reduce facial damage. also they have individual power in individual pants...there is also hand speed rating.
graphically, pacmans face is really accurate. one thing i don't like is the color scheme or pallete that they used. i thought fn3 had better choice of colors....the colors in rd4 are a little bright. i don't know how else to describe it...but its pure opinion. good thing is that there are no clipping issues that i saw so thats a good thing.
some things that i found odd, is that they took out parry's but they replaced it with a block that opens you up to a brief counter which is indicated by animations. its not bad, but its odd that its still there. also its hard Not to get into a slugging match. punches are so quick so that defensive minded players (like me) have an uphil battle. in my 12 3 round matches, hattons connect dipped under 50% 2x...while fn3 i cause 30% connect rate for the opponent frequently. there are still haymakers...its you still going to have to deal with uppercuts and hooks turn haymakers...haymaker counters are watch out.
just a random gaming story
by jsmoke03 on Comments
every gamer has to have a specialty. may it be racing, sports, rpg's, action, fps or fighting games, there is one genre that a gamer is better at than other genre's. i can vividly remember my first game i was ever good at.
i was 17 (yes i know thats kind of old to start being good at a game, but i was a casual gamer before then) and i remember playing tony hawk pro skater 1 demo for ps1. i wasn't a skater or anything, but something about that game just called to me. suffice to say i spent 18 hours practicing on the game (ended up ditching school just to play it). none of my friends could beat me consistently. sure they would beat me once in awhile, but 90% of the time, i dominated. skipped on thps 2, but got back on thps3 because of this guy, who i taught how to play thps1, got the best of me (barely got the game for a week). so once again i put in time...destroyed him, so i was, at least among the circle of my friends, king of the hill.
i dropped the whole skating game genre because they radically changed the physics system and gameplay. no more timers, different challenges...all that ruined my gameplay experience. it was more realisitc, but it lost the magic that i loved. thps4 and thug was boring so i forgot about the whole genre...
fast forward to yesterday. i was looking for demo's to dl, and was browsing around and i came across skate. i heard good things about it...but was hesitant because thug kind of turned me off to the genre. i jumped in anyway. i started playing the demo @ 10:30....i didn't stop playing til 4 in the mornin. i got bit! i enjoyed customizing the skater and tried a lot of different outfits. but what got me was the trick system. it wasn't a bunch of button pressed combo centric game, jeff gerstman was right, it felt organic and natural. the tricks were soo cool and soo rewarding to pull of. i kinda felt like i was skating. the graphics were awesome, almost everything about that game is awesome. so i'm going to add skate 1 and skate 2 to my gaming library soon...
a side note. i don't trust demo's for the most part. star wars force unleashed left a bitter taste in my mouth. i can't believe that a good demo like that turned soo freaking frustrating. with that said, skate was such a great enough demo that i have to be convinced despite my reservations.
fight night round 4 roster wish list
by jsmoke03 on Comments
this is the supposed half of the roster, and to be honest it's very lacking. not enough legends, and the up and comming boxers are horrible....sergio mora? yuck...and pazienza (if you look at youtube roy jones mixes, he is the white guy with the mullet)
so if i had to put my own list together this is who i would put in the game that isn't already there....
- marvin hagler
- aaron pryor
- willie pep
- jack dempsey
- joe louis
- alexis arguello
- wilfredo benites
- carlos monsoon
- flash elorde
- pernell whitaker
- carmen basillio
- sugar ray robinson (get his rating right please!)
- jake lamotta
- kevin kelley
- prince naseem hamed
current boxers and up and commers
- floyd mayweather
- joe calzaghe
- juan manuel marquez
- erik morales
- marco antonio barrera
- david haye
- kelly pavlik
- andre berto
- yuri gamboa
- peterson brothers
- andre ward
- vic darchinyan
- israel vasquez
prospects from the olympics like wilder, estrada,andrade....and take out pazienza, agustus, mora, tommy morrison (choke artist)
who would you put on the roster that isn't already there?
can't bring myself to buy an xbox 360
by jsmoke03 on Comments
i consider myself a gamer and not a fanboy. Yes i have a lot of love for sony and the games they make, but i'm not loyal to a point that i won't buy a competitor's console. I've been wanting to get a second console for awhile: the xbox 360. It has some great titles that i really want, and it seems that its the console for rpgs (go figure)...but everytime i get close to buying one....these horror stories put me back to reality
I know it cost ms billions of dollars for these repairs....but after 2 itterations...there are still errors popping up. if not rrod, then its e-74. if not e-74, its the prevalent disc scratching. Its recession right now, and gaming is really my number 1 past time, and i don't like inconveniences. Worse is if it isn't the rrod cuz i just don't have that much money to keep buying consoles or spending a hundred bucks for repairs. i could use that $100 for something else like games.
i'm debating wether i have to wait a couple more years to buy the console. but by then,will the games i want still be available? i'm pretty sure mass effect 1 will still be around (seems to be a lot of copies in the used section) but how about lost oddysey?quite a conundrum.
so it looks like i have to wait until e-74, rrod (which might be solved since the jasper chips have been implemented) and disc scratching issues have been solved.
game impressions #8- the ressurection
by jsmoke03 on Comments
aite so i haven't done this for a very long long time. since i have a reliable place to use a comp (college library) i'm going to go back to my old routine...
killzone 2- i tried out the multiplayer was awesome. everything pretty much worked for me. the maps were awesome, and the action felt right. it wasn't too slow, but it wasn't too fast that the aiming became a big issue. one thing i have noticed about this game is that people tend to roll in packs. this made my game much easier (i'm usually the guy flanking with a silenced weapon on cod). one thing i did notice that the games are better suited for longer ranged matches. the assault rifle worked well in cqf but the sights,even on alt 2, felt better the farther away a person is. my only complaint is that the menu's looked a little confusing. after each match, it was hard to tell how many kills i had, or what those emblems meant at the top of the list. other than that, it was great....
call of duty world at war- ok so i picked this up over the holidays and i have played this extensively to proclaim that cod4 is way better. it doesn't mean that this was a horrible game, it just means that it is a good game, not an awesome game. positives
- single player campaign was fun. it had one of the best presentations for a ww2 shooter. action is intense and the maps were really fun. typical cod action
- nazi zombies!!!
- they tried to balance some things out from the previous games. nades aren't as dangerous because the blast radius has been reduced. i hated nade fests in the first map where nades that didn't seem dangerous became instant kills because of the large blast radius
- some guns seem a little bit more accurate (mainly the stg-44)
- some multiplayer maps were great such as castle and airfield. (dome is one of my favorite maps though i know a lot of people hate em)
- a lot of good free for all maps
- gore and limbs flying off
- you get more points for assists and killing dogs
- the dogs
- guns feel underpowered
- bouncing betty's are the most annoying thing ever. i understand the claymore, it helps out snipers, but when you have an explosive you can randomly lay on the ground in the middle of a map, it just gets annoying. if i purposely look for bouncing betty's, i die from people shooting at me for being careful. if i look out for enemies, i usually die for a bouncing betty in a place where you wouldn't expect
- vehicles....noobie crap and have no place in cod. it just kills a map
- rifles are almost useless...
- aparature sights aren't as good as red dot sights. maybe its just the color, but something doesn't feel right about that sights.
- large maps. they look ver beautiful, but unless we are playing 16 vs 16, maps llke outskirts and seelow are pretty boring. i spend minutes just trying to find opponents
- the dogs...when its theenemies
- waiting til level 65 before prestige
pretty long list. the thing about this game is that its fun, but i can't help but think how much more fun i would have playing cod4 because the negatives are big annoyances...but its still a good game...solid 8.0
nba 2k9-i'm still getting mixed feelings about it. on the one hand it feels more realistic. on the other hand, i have had to re-evaluate how i play the game. controls seem unresponsive and that really irks me. that half second delay mostly results in a TO. passing lanes are harder to thread, which irks me cuz it gets rid of my fastbreak game. animation just keeps getting better and better....i'm still on the fence about this and would have to play it extensively in career mode to either find my niche or really move on til 2010.
guitar hero world tour- i got hooked. maybe because i actually gave it a real shot, but its a really addicting game. love the musical lineup on here. love the guitar better than rockbands....but i must say going from medium difficulty and hard difficulty is too big of a jump for most songs....
farcry 2- like the game soo far. i tried out a couple of missions and i'm already seeing why a lot of people were underwhelmed. i hated traveling from place to place. i know this was a something in the original farcry, and i didn't enjoy that one either. it is beautiful though and feels like a living breathing world....
aite there goes my game impressions.i should be getting my tv soon so i'm going to be back on finishing games....til next time
haters are soo predictable
by jsmoke03 on Comments
first off i would like to congratulate sony,guerilla,and all ps3 owners who picked up this marvelous game. i knew this was a AAA type game and gs confirmed it. there is no doubt in my mind this is going to be a game for us ps3 owners to enjoy.
with that said, i knew the haters would come out. One of the things i heard was that Killzone 2 had a mediocre launch. ok, if you call being on top of the uk charts, and according to speculation on, had 750,000 sold within 3 days. Ok it isn't gta or halo numbes, but for 3 days, you can't call that a mediocre launch. what i call that: fanboys trying desperately to tarnish anything sony.
another one was the controller lag issue. i know this is a problem,especially for shooters...don't worry they have these things called patches for consoles now. a broken game mechanic can actually be fixed now(seems like thats what most developers are doing now. send out games not completely optimized, and patch later). it doesn't mean the game failed...just like fallout 3 did not fail. what i find funny about this whole situation is when g4tv complains about the damn problem citing that it was gg's mistake to try to make the game and control have gave the damn game a 5/ you are backtracking. maybe g4tv should have waited and actually reviewed the game more thoroughly. its why i don't trust reviews from g4. you can find this article through
so haters still yet to make themselves known, keep hating, cuz its not going to do you or anyone else any good. i will not find myself having lack of sleep over these things.,nor will i be swayed in my opinions about how a great game this is.
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