So today marks my 8th year anniversary in Gamespot. Wow its really been 8 years huh? In this 8 years, I've experienced soo many great moments in gaming, and I owe a lot of those memories to gamespot. There are many stories I could tell about how awesome gamespot was throughout the year, but i'm just going to talk about how Gamespot changed my gaming life, and in turn helped the rest of my life.
I've said multiple times before in various forum threads that I wasn't much of a gamer when i was a kid. I missed out on soo many great games. When people talk about video games in the 80's and 90's, I can only share sentiments with a couple of games. Sure i played Mario Bro. games, but I missed out on Zelda. I played and beat Contra with a friend, but i didn't know about Metroid. get the picture. I enjoyed gaming, but gaming is an expensive hobby and my parents let me know that from the start. So instead of gaming, i did other things. It really wasn't until senior year of high school that i really started gaming. I was a troublesome kid that was looking to make a change in life.I got really depressed over a breakup, so I stayed home. My parents saw that and wanted to help me, and it so happened that i rediscovered gaming to distract me from the heartache. Gaming became my crutch in hard times, and a neglected hobby became a passion in life.
Fast forward to 2004. I just finished playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (kotor for short) on the Xbox and enjoyed the game soo much that I decided to see if there was a sequal on the internet...but I didn't know of any websites at the time that covered gaming. I previously heard about games from other friends, or if I happen to browse through a video game magazine at the local store (where I read about kotor and decided to get a second console the xbox) so I was pretty clueless. I typed in and I was redirected to Gamespot. I saw there was a sequel in the works and looked at all the information that the game had. I found Gamespot very helpful, so I decided to join the site and explore the site.
I was Bitten by the bug. I became hooked.
I liked video games, but was pretty un-informed about this hobby. Monthy publications was a good source of information, but I had to wait every month. With gamespot, I found a site where I can find the latest news, see reviews of games that I have never heard of. There were VIDEOS. the ignorant was enlightened....and i took full advantage of it.
I went from 20 video games to about 120 in one year since the day I found Gamespot(close to 300 now). I found soo many good games. I was opened to more genre's and found out that there were other rpg's aside from squaresoft. I found out Kotor was a western style rpg (i didn't even know kotor was an rpg, since i thought rpg's were only jrpg style from squaresoft) and it was created by BIOWARE (another bug that i was bitten with lol). To be honest, Gamespot completed my transition to being a gamer.
Meanwhile in non video gaming world, my reality was crumbling. My parents separated, my family was experiencing a lot of financial problems and I was homeless on 2 separate occassions, my wife cheated on me one month after we got married, and a DUI (stupid mistake but I was at a breaking point and became very wreckless).Friends and family rallied around me through these tough times and were a great help, but when I was alone, I turned to gaming. I turned to it not for distraction, but Once I got my DUI, I knew that I needed to turn to something less destructive to help me through my rought times. It's weird these virutal worlds helped me cope with my own crumbling world. One one hand, people thought I spent too much time gaming, but on the other hand, gaming kept me away from possibly doing something more destructive than getting a DUI. Its easier to take out my frustrations in life by blasting on fellow gamers on an fps than taking it out on a real person.Gaming became my crutch once again, but this time the crutch was a stronger one thanks to Gamespot.
Ive had my leave of absences, and even thought about switching sites because of all these glitches throughout the years i've been surfing this website. After going through a gamut of other sites, but I keep coming back to Gamespot. I still haven't found a site with a review team that makes as much sense as Gamespot. I havent'found a better forums than System Wars. The unions are the best( candid collectors union or ccu, off the books, relationship union).I've dedicated soo much time to this site, i don't have the heart to leave despite the rough patches.
So here's my little token of appreciation to Gamespot. Without your tireless dedication, I don't know how my gaming experiences would have turned out. I know in these 8 years, Gamespot has gone through many different journey's of its own. There have been soo many changes( & glitches) to this site. Many people have come and gone, but gamespot has endured these things. Thank you to those gamespot staff, keep trying to do what you and i'll be here to support this site.
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