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February U[date

So February was a so so month of gaming for me. I only managed to beat one game, but i did purchase a couple of great games this month. Also the PS4 was announced (yay! another blog is reserved for that)

What I purchased this month


  • Final Fantasy V
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Crysis


  • Crysis 2

Games i beat

WWE 13- The attitude era was really fun. It brought me back to the days where wrestling meant something. It was up there with baseball at one point in time and i loved how this game allowed me to go through memory lane. The wrestling was top notch with the controlls being really good and responsive.

If i had to complain about this game, this game sorely missed kurt angle. He was a major contributor to the attitude era, but too bad he couldn't be in this game. Also the graphics were launch title quality. The Rock and other wrestlers did not look right, and the lack of details were horrendous. My last complaint has to do with the trophies/achievement unlocks for the attitude era storymode. One has to complete all the historical objectives to be able to unlock the game for the trophies to unlock. Som of those objectives became annoying and i had to go to youtube to figure out how to do those objectives.it was just an annoyance.

despite all of that, this game was really good. yukes knows how to make wrestling games. too bad for thq shutting down, hopefully take 2 does well with the wee liscense

I'm going through a couple of games right now. Crysis, gta 4 liberty city stories along with my other backlog of games. So as far as my 25 game challenge goes, i'm right on schedule. hopefully i have more to write for my March update. game on

Games I have to get before the next gen starts

With PS4 announcement and the next Microsoft console just around the corner, as a video game collector on a budget, I have to start planning my purchases around next gen while making sure I dont miss out on all of the great games that have come out recently or will release this year. Its easy to forget the old when the new is around the corner and I am not about to miss out on these gems.

Xbox 360

  • Fez
  • Super Meatboy
  • Allan Wake
  • Left 4 Dead 2 (picked up)
  • Gears of War Judgement (picked up)
  • Elder's scroll: Skyrim (since i heard ps3's version is buggy)(picked up)


  • Ni No Kuni (picked up)
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell:blacklist(picked up)
  • Playstation Allstar Battle Royale (picked up)
  • Braid (picked up)
  • Limbo
  • Papo & Yo (picked up)
  • DMC (reboot)
  • Devil May Cry 4 (picked up)
  • God of War ascension (pcied up)
  • The Last of Us (picked up)
  • Beyond: Two Souls (picked up)
  • Dark Souls (picked up)
  • Metal Gear Revengeance (picked up)
  • Sleeping Dogs (picked up)
  • Tomb Raider (reboot) (picked up)
  • Far Cry 3 (picked up)
  • Crysis 3
  • Remember me (picked up)
  • killzone 3 (pciked up)
  • resistance 3 (picked up)
  • Fuse
  • Bioshock: Infinite (picked up)
  • Bleach: Soul Ressureccion (picked up)
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm generations (picked up)
  • Borderlands (picked up)
  • Borderlands 2 (picked up)


  • Diablo 3 (picked up ps3 version)
  • Starcraft 2
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Civilizations 4
  • Total War: Shogun (picked up)

Lol thats surprisingly a lot more than I thought I would have...So heres to gaming and the swan song of the 8th generation of video games.

PS4-The fate of PSN going forward

So FINALLY the PS4 has been announced. Everyone in the forums are talking about how either impressed or dissapointed they are. Gamers everywhere are now asking questions and critiquing all the information that was presented. Most people are concentrating on the hardware specs,used games, social features, price, the controller, the games (or lack there of) what its going to look like and backwards compatibility. I'm not saying that these things are important, but I'm not seeing much about the PSN and more importantly, if its going to be free. 

The lifecycle of the PS3 has been one of  peaks and valleys. A rough start, ridiculous price, losing exclusive franchises, security breach etc...I could go on forever with all the things that went wrong for Sony, but not all things were bad. Despite the difficulties, Sony managed to still sell 70+million units, establish a strong stable of new franchises and studios, and giving gamers a chance to experience online multiplayer for free, while establishing a fee based business model that did not affect online gaming. This was the ultimate reason why I chose to buy a PS3 over Microsofts xbox360. But as Sony president Shuhei Yoshida mentioned in an interview , PSN might be in danger to become the xbox live clone.

This ambiguity is really troublesome. Sure there were a lot of great new features that Sony is planning, but for a lot of gamers, these things are not worth the price of a monthly subscription fee. Not everyone wants to share gameplay vids, talk to friends while playing another game or have a playstation store that predicts a gamers taste in gaming. Some of us want to play games with our friends and Sony made it possible by keeping the PSN free. But is it going to be?

I may just be blowing this out of proportion, and Sony might still offer up free online gaming. I can't move forward until I find out about the fate of PSN. I have no doubt that the PS4 will be an amazing machine that will introduce gamers with an abundance of great features. This next generation will have awesome games, and the controller might be the best controller ever....but that isn't going to determine if the PS4 will be a day one or a year 3 purchase. here's hoping for some good news.

January Update

I was planning to write around the end of January, but I got busy working from home. So I'm trying to do a monthly update about my gaming life. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I decided to challenge myself to beat 25 games for 2013. As of today, I beat 4 games: The Walking Dead: Telltale game, Unfinished Swan, Trine 2, & Bayonetta. 

The Walking Dead (ps3)- I have to say this episodic game was pretty damn awesome. The story is really good. It was well paced, engaging,well voiced and entertaining. I love the adaptive storyline and how the choices were carried out.The gaming mechanics were very minimal, but the story was soo good that it wasn't necessary, and i think helped the overall experience.

The only drawback to this game was its bothersome frame rate dips. I heard that this was really bad only on the ps3. Other than that, it was really good. It made my top 100 all time favorite games (still in progress), and it actually got me to watch the tv show (which is also pretty awesome). If i were to give this game a rating, I would give it  9.0

Unfinished Swan (ps3)- This was an okay game. It was visualy beautiful, and the world was pretty interesting to go through.This game is charming and i loved the ending credits...but....

The game was too simple. The puzzles weren't overly frustrating but it wasn't challenging either. The story wasn't engaging and the charm didn't carry all the way through. I think more could have been done with this game. all in all i would give this game 6.5

Trine 2 (ps3)- Awesome game. I went through the game in Co-op mode with my girl, and both of us had a lot of fun. The puzzles weren't difficult, but it was enough so to make teamwork integral to the game. This was visually stunning, and heart warming in a way that trine 2 brought me back to my childhood of playing games cooperatively and having tons of fun pointing out platforms and how to get to the next checkpoint. Although this game wasn't difficult, it didn't need to be.

My one only gripe is the physics were weird. it felt a bit floaty and jumps were sometimes more difficult than it should be.  I would give this game 8.0 and definitely should be experienced with friends

Bayonetta (ps3)- This was one weird game. It had a lot of low and high points.

Gameplay wise, the action was top notch with plethora of combo moves at your disposal. Really awesome weapons and frantic battles...when it was paced correctly. I was utterly bored through the first 7 chapters excluding boss fights. After that however, the action ramped up and i was having such a blast hacking away at enemies. When the action slowed, it was really slow, and when the action ramped up, it was almost overwhelming.

story was horrible (incase you cared)It wasn't horrible because it was clearly full of themes that appealed to japanese culture , but because the one liners were horrible that i think even japanese people would have an issue with. Now i know that story doesn't necessarily have to have a great story, but this game had a lot of cut scenes. It was hard to follow the story because of the annoying dialogue.

Another thing i found weird was the ending. I thought i beat the game on 5 separate occasions. I put down my controller to enjoy the cutscenes only to realize i had to pick it back up lol.

I don't know if i liked this game or i hated it. there were a lot of great things about this game, but the issues i had were really annoying. 7.5

So i have 21 more games to beat and a whole lot of backlog. I'm going through a couple of games right now so hopefully i get to finish 2 more before this month is over. Not sure if i can do it since i know i'm going to be busy. Stay tuned


New Years Resolution-GAMING EDITION

First I would like to say this 2012 was personally a great year for gaming. Not only did I have a plethora of great gaming experiences, but I reached a lot of gaming milestones. As I have said before in a previous blog, I have a big backlog and in 2012, I managed to finish 25 games and a lifetime completion of 109. As a collector, I managed to bring my total current collection to 312, and have my ps3/psn totals reach over 100. Lastly, my enthusiasm for gaming which has waned for awhile returned and I came back to gamespot after a couple years of little to no activity.

With a great 2012, I'm looking to up continue this momentum into 2013. 2012 showed me how much more fun I can have with games if I give myself goals and challenges. For far too long, I let my backloggery accumulate with great games that I never get to experience because of laziness and a short attention span. 2012 was a turning point and 2013 will be much better. So with that I share to you my gaming New Years resolution list(everyone loves lists) for 2013

I WILL WORK ON MY ALL TIME FAVORITE GAMES LIST- I've always wanted to put out a personal list, and I do have different versions out there. However, those lists are incomplete. Right now I own a lot of games that are criticaly acclaimed that are not on my list simply because I havent had the time to play them. I can't really justify a list when i haven't played Metal Gear Solid,Shadow of the Colossus,Ico etc. This leads me to my next two resolutions....

I WILL CONTINUE TO FINISH GAMES- So out of 312 games, I still need to finish 192 or 61.5%. That total is probably going to fluctuate because of the great 2013 game lineup, but I have to get my percentage totals to something a bit more respectable A lifetime goal is to finish at least 80% of my games,but I have to deal in smaller goals first so my goal for the year is to beat a minimum of 30 games this year. Its a daunting task since I'm not 10 years old anymore, but I think 30 is a manageable number. Besides, whats 30 games if I'm having fun right? I just have to balance my time with sports and multiplayer games with campaigns and it should be no problem.

I WILL PLAY OLDER GENERATION GAMES- This generation's introduction of achievements and trophies along with the graphical increase had both a positive and a negative effect on my gaming habits. On the one hand, I get more out of my games, but on the other, older games became a lot more forgettable. So if I'm to give a more accurate list and make a dent in my backlog, I have to finish older generation games. So my goal is to finish a minimum of 5 games from older generations of games.

RAISE ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHY PERCENTAGE- Yes I'm becoming addicted to trophies and achievements. My ps3 gamer card shows i have accumulated about 37.4%(side note: I cannot find a 360 gaming card that shows me achievement percentage so if anyone knows of a site that does, pm me or leave me a comment). I know I'm not going to platinum every trophy, but I want to get the percentage to betweeen 40-50%. Not only is this going to add replay value to games, but this allowsme to free up hard drive space on my ps3 and xbox 360 of game data of games I want to still trophy hunt for.

COLLECT,COLLECT, AND COLLECT- With all the rumors surfacing of new consoles releasing this year, this is the time to start buying those games off the wishlist. I have never bought a console at launch but I'm pretty sure plenty off people are.Some are going to be trading in their libraries for store credit for the new systems, and prices will be discounted for new games to clear inventory. I didn't take full advantage last generation so I am not missing out on this generation.

2013 is going to be another awesome year. Game on!

Are Filipino's the new media terrorists?

Modern FPS shooters have been both a phenom and the cause of ire in the video game industy. There is a growing group thats been vocal about the displeasure of what games like Call of Duty has taken advantage of gamers with yearly releases that use the same recipe from game mechanics, linear gameplay, narcotising effect to gamers about violence and stereotyping ethnic groups, to the same Middle Eastern and or Russian/Eastern European environment. Now I'm not here to argue the first 2 ingredients, but I'm here to talk about a new gaming environment that could potentially be a new game setting hotspot and the potential damaging or positive effects it could bring to this country and to its people.

When i first played Medal of Honor: Warfighter, I was excited because I enjoyed the previous game, and as a Filipino, I was excited to see my country in a video game. It made me have a sense of pride in a weird way because Phillippines has been largely ignored by the entertainment media in the Western Hemisphere until recently. I was jovial as I went through the two stages of the game. I smiled when i heard banter by the enemy in my native language, and was flat out laughing with my girlfriend with one of the dialogues between the U.S. forces and the Phillipine military task force. I also found out through playing that there is a stage in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 that was in Phillippines. Then yesterday, I saw video footage on Gamespot for Sniper 2 and it was set in Phillippines. At first I'm thinking that this is a good thing. My country is finally being used in video games instead of the usual settings of a real or ficticious Middle Eastern country or the crumbled ruins of Eastern Europe. Heck China and Japan can make space for another country. Then I remembered the movie Act of Valor....

I started thinking that the media is using the Phillipines and Filipino's as the new terrorist group out there. Is it because of the Abuy Sayaff group (a known muslim separatist group in my country) and the actual events that the U.S. military have encoutered? Was this a one time deal or are we going to be the enemies in your next Call of Duty, Battlefield and Medal of Honor? Or are they just going to keep targeting Muslims from every country? Are younger gamers going to be influenced by this in a potential harmful way or are gamers going to be able to discern the difference with Video Game settings and characters from its real life counter parts?Am I just blowing this out of proportions?

I think that there won't be real harmful side effects. I don't think that the Western World will start committing hate crimes over Filipino's. But if this continues, we might fall in line with other stereo types in media like the South American drug lords, The Eastern European Communists, and the Middle Eastern Terrorists. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily.It's entertainment. I laugh at the racist jokes stand up comedians say, but I don't condemn people or hurt people because of it. I think people that play games are mature enough to discern that video games isn't an accurate representation of reality.It has elements of it, but One cannot regenerate health, jump of a building unscathed or know that one ethnic group is bad. But with different people comes different perspectives. So what's your perspective on this?

The Gaming Impression/Update ReBoot

Ive been gaming a lot this past year. I know in years past i've been moaning and groaning about my horrendous backlog and how I can't seem to finish games. Well I've turned over a new leaf. I set a goal this year of beating at least 20 games, and i'm proud to say that i've accomplished it and its only the middle of October. Since I'm really lazy to write reviews, I'm going to resurect the gaming impressions/update blog.

Batman:Arkham City- Thoroughly enjoyed the game. It took a little while to get into it. The world was huge and I wasn't prepared for it Lol. It was such a huge step from Arkham Asylum(another game I enjoyed).There was soo much to do and and the side missions were soo good that it didn't have a side mission feel to it. Story was 99% great (The story didn't feel as meaty as I felt it could have been) and the voice acting was superb. A definite reccomendation

Mass Effect Trilogy- For the longest time, Mass Effect was the only compeling reason I wanted a 360, but with all the hardware problems, it scared me off from buying one. Well thank god that Mass Effect 2 and 3 came out for the ps3. As usual Bioware hit it out of the park with this trilogy. I loved it soo much that i finally decided to buy a 360 so I can play the first game (lol didn't know it was coming as a downloadble game for the ps3 thats releasing later this month)

  • Mass Effect 1- the most compelling story out of the 3. The gameplay was a bit frustrating because the classes were soo different from the other game (mind you i started on mass effect 2 for the ps3) and the vehicle sections were fun for about 5 minutes until a thresher maw popped up right below your vehicle. A lot of rpg elements, but the powers weren't as helpfull as me2 and me3. Really loved how this game didn't have a thermal clip but a cooldown period. I wish they kept that in the other 2 games.Despite all of that, i think it was second best in the series.
  • Mass Effect 2- my favorite game out of the 3. I love the crew gathering that took place in this game.Loyalty missions were my favorite as it made me feel more in touch with my companions. Loved how the classes evolved in this game. I also liked how the shooting part of this rpg hybrid worked. The plot may not have been as strong as the other 2 and the vehivcle in this sections were HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE, but by far it was enjoyable for me.
  • Mass Effect 3- There were soo many good things about this game, but definitely my least favorite. I liked the shooting, the varied enemies, the speed, the leveling system, and the tense atmosphere and the urgency of this game. Im in the minority that could forgive the ending that ruined it for everybody. What i didn't like about this game, was how none of my favorite companions were playable in this game. With great rpg's like this....story and the companions are a major part of my enjoyment and thats why this was my least favorite. But its still a great game.

Street Fighter x Tekken- good concept for a game. But this is by far the most difficult game i've played. I didn't realize how a tag element can change a whole game up. In Tekken Tag Tournament, there wasn't as many gameplay mechanics to worry about, but this game was a bit more complicated than I have anticipated. Coupled with how Tekken characters really felt out of place, led to an underwhelming experience. Now I'm not blaming the game for my experience, but I guess I just need to put a lot more time into this game before writing it off. I really do suck at 2d fighters lol

Well thats it for now...hope i can write another one of these soon

8th Year Anniversary on Gamespot

So today marks my 8th year anniversary in Gamespot. Wow its really been 8 years huh? In this 8 years, I've experienced soo many great moments in gaming, and I owe a lot of those memories to gamespot. There are many stories I could tell about how awesome gamespot was throughout the year, but i'm just going to talk about how Gamespot changed my gaming life, and in turn helped the rest of my life.

I've said multiple times before in various forum threads that I wasn't much of a gamer when i was a kid. I missed out on soo many great games. When people talk about video games in the 80's and 90's, I can only share sentiments with a couple of games. Sure i played Mario Bro. games, but I missed out on Zelda. I played and beat Contra with a friend, but i didn't know about Metroid. etc....you get the picture. I enjoyed gaming, but gaming is an expensive hobby and my parents let me know that from the start. So instead of gaming, i did other things. It really wasn't until senior year of high school that i really started gaming. I was a troublesome kid that was looking to make a change in life.I got really depressed over a breakup, so I stayed home. My parents saw that and wanted to help me, and it so happened that i rediscovered gaming to distract me from the heartache. Gaming became my crutch in hard times, and a neglected hobby became a passion in life.

Fast forward to 2004. I just finished playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (kotor for short) on the Xbox and enjoyed the game soo much that I decided to see if there was a sequal on the internet...but I didn't know of any websites at the time that covered gaming. I previously heard about games from other friends, or if I happen to browse through a video game magazine at the local store (where I read about kotor and decided to get a second console the xbox) so I was pretty clueless. I typed in videogames.com and I was redirected to Gamespot. I saw there was a sequel in the works and looked at all the information that the game had. I found Gamespot very helpful, so I decided to join the site and explore the site.

I was Bitten by the bug. I became hooked.

I liked video games, but was pretty un-informed about this hobby. Monthy publications was a good source of information, but I had to wait every month. With gamespot, I found a site where I can find the latest news, see reviews of games that I have never heard of. There were VIDEOS. the ignorant was enlightened....and i took full advantage of it.

I went from 20 video games to about 120 in one year since the day I found Gamespot(close to 300 now). I found soo many good games. I was opened to more genre's and found out that there were other rpg's aside from squaresoft. I found out Kotor was a western style rpg (i didn't even know kotor was an rpg, since i thought rpg's were only jrpg style from squaresoft) and it was created by BIOWARE (another bug that i was bitten with lol). To be honest, Gamespot completed my transition to being a gamer.

Meanwhile in non video gaming world, my reality was crumbling. My parents separated, my family was experiencing a lot of financial problems and I was homeless on 2 separate occassions, my wife cheated on me one month after we got married, and a DUI (stupid mistake but I was at a breaking point and became very wreckless).Friends and family rallied around me through these tough times and were a great help, but when I was alone, I turned to gaming. I turned to it not for distraction, but Once I got my DUI, I knew that I needed to turn to something less destructive to help me through my rought times. It's weird these virutal worlds helped me cope with my own crumbling world. One one hand, people thought I spent too much time gaming, but on the other hand, gaming kept me away from possibly doing something more destructive than getting a DUI. Its easier to take out my frustrations in life by blasting on fellow gamers on an fps than taking it out on a real person.Gaming became my crutch once again, but this time the crutch was a stronger one thanks to Gamespot.

Ive had my leave of absences, and even thought about switching sites because of all these glitches throughout the years i've been surfing this website. After going through a gamut of other sites, but I keep coming back to Gamespot. I still haven't found a site with a review team that makes as much sense as Gamespot. I havent'found a better forums than System Wars. The unions are the best( candid collectors union or ccu, off the books, relationship union).I've dedicated soo much time to this site, i don't have the heart to leave despite the rough patches.

So here's my little token of appreciation to Gamespot. Without your tireless dedication, I don't know how my gaming experiences would have turned out. I know in these 8 years, Gamespot has gone through many different journey's of its own. There have been soo many changes( & glitches) to this site. Many people have come and gone, but gamespot has endured these things. Thank you to those gamespot staff, keep trying to do what you and i'll be here to support this site.

All time favorite games v.1.2

So i've wanted to do this for awhile now. I actually wrote a version one which had i think 25 games. I know i said i was going to play more games, and i did, but i played a lot of newer games. I still haven't been able to touch some of the classics like zelda games, or mgs games to add those to the list yet. I also have a backlog of 179 games in my collection so this list will change once i make a bigger dent in that backlog.What i have right now is a 1.2 version of my top 50 games. This list isn't complete, but i want to put this down now. I know it is still a very weird list, but i think it has expanded some. I'm first to admit that i really wasn't into gaming back in the nes days, and i really didn't play all the classic series from nintendo or sega,but i did manage to remember some retro games.

So here it is, my top 50. its my personal list and i don't expect anyone to agree with my list. What i do wish for is to also see whats on your top lists and maybe i can discover a game i've never heard of thats from your list. So incase anyone wants to share if they read this somehow....

All time favorite games
1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2- Sith Lords (xbox/pc)
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare( multi-plat)
3. Shining Force (genesis)
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (xbox/pc)
5. Counter Strike pre 1.6 (pc)
6. Final Fantasy X (ps2)
7. Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings (pc)
8. Tekken 2 (ps1)
9. Tony Hawk Pro Skater (ps1)
10. Gran Turismo (ps1)
11. Mass Effect 2 (multi plat)
12. Command And Conquer (pc)
13. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (ps2)
14. Final Fantasy 7 (ps1)
15. Royal Rumble (Snes)
16. Battle City (Nes)
17. Pokemon: Yellow Version (gbc)
18. Dragon Age: Origins (multi plat)
19. God of War (ps2)
20. Excite Bike (nes)
21. Kingdom Hearts (ps2)
22. Assassins Creed 2 (multi plat)
23. Super Mario Bro. 3 (Nes)
24. Resident Evil (ps1)
25. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the arcade game (arcade/nes)
26. Streets Of Rage 2 (genesis)
27. Call of Duty (pc)
28. Mass Effect (multi plat)
29. World Series Baseball (genesis)
30. Street fighter 2(multi plat)
31. Top Gear (Snes)
32. Skate (ps3/xbox 360)
33. Shining Force 2 (genesis)
34. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (ps3)
35. God Of War 3 (ps3)
36. Bushido Blade (ps1)
37. Prince of Persia: sands of time (multi plat)
38. Killer Instinct (Snes)
39. Journey (psn)
40. X-men (Genesis)
41. Super Mario Bro. (Nes)
42. MVP Baseball 2004 (multi plat)
43. Tetris (Gb)
44. Jade Empire (xbox/pc)
45. NFL Football 94 Starring Joe Montana (Genesis)
46. Legend of Kage (Nes)
47. Batman: Arkham City (multi plat)
48. Fight Night 2004 (multi plat)
49. Portal (Multi plat)
50. Mortal Kombat 2 (multi plat)

Finishing Games

So i'm pretty bad at finishing games. I always have been since the NES era. Maybe its lack of gaming skill or the frustration of getting stuck in one section, but i barely finish games UNTIL THIS YEAR.I am an avid video game collector, and ive always been annoyed that i spend soo much money buying games, but i never seemed to finish anything. Off course there are the occasional games like Call of Duty or Final Fantasy, but ive had a pretty bad history of abandoning games. Its weird what spurred this on, but ive beaten about 11-12 games this year because i started trophy hunting and found a website backloggery.com. Thats more that i finished in within the last 6-7 months than i have in about 3 years even while still playing my multi player games (cod and other sports games). I've been having a blast gaming, and feeling a bit of validation for purchasing games.

Trophies- i have to admitt, i thought trophies and gamerscores were pointless mechanics. I thought they were too hard and detracted from my experience because some trophies required me to play a game in a way that i did not want to (cod waw where 1 trophy required me to play a level using only a knife). I also thought there was no incentive to get all trophies. Well i was wrong. I started going after trophies purely out of boredom. Then hunting trophies became a competition for myself to try to have the most trophies among my gamer friends.

It brought 2 things to my gaming experience-

  • it raised up the replay value for any of my games. I replayed through games or gaming sections to get trophies. So a single player campaign that took me 8 hours to beat, i would play double that, or play through the single player campaigns 2x or more (my first platinum da:o i put in 100+ hours)
  • it motivated me to beat games- since games had trophies for beating single player campaigns, it motivated me to power through frustrating sections or it allowed me to push through the first couple of hours when the story/game mechanics arent fully fleshed out.

trophies introduced me to an extra dimension to gaming, and its been beneficial...so i'm sorry gaming trophies/achievements- i was wrong.

Backloggery- I've always been competetive, but not in the " I always have to be the best" kind of way, but i always wanted to be among the respected. So my fellow CCU (candid Collectors Union. check this union out especially if you are a game collector) members introduced me to backloggery.com . This website made finishing a game a sort of competition with other fellow members, or just to show to yourself your gaming progress. It took my desire to be respected and used it as extra motivation to complete games. I don't want to know that i have only completed 33 % of my games, and i have 154 unfinished games.

Gaming is an awesome hobby. It allows people to escape to a beautiful world not seen in reality, a stress reliever, another collection hobby,or a way for friends to enjoy each others company without being phyiscally in the same room. Whatever the case why gamers play, some of us might forget that completing a game is fun. A gaming experience is fulfilled by seeing a game to the end, and not doing so constricts the experience, so find that push or motivation and power up that console and beat some games.